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 Preses relīzes: III.16 (Lielbritānija)

2 455 027 024
Valsts: Līga:
Lielbritānija The Assassins† - The Assasins are happy to be apart of this league.
A qiuck message from the Assasins G.M Stefan Watkins. To all the fans of The Assasins. I know we are 11 games into this long season I am very pleased with the postion the team are in. ...

Lielbritānija Dunwich Black Blades† - Dunwich Black Blades Enter III.16
After a lot of redevelopment over on the east coast of Suffolk there comes a new team to the league. The 'Dunwich Black Blades' have been the 'brainchild' of local Businessman, Meridith Moor for some...

Lielbritānija Leamington Royals† - "Royals" happy on there throne
Coach Jack Stephens said in a post game interview last night that he was happy with the 6-3 loss last night against the high flyers "smashers". "The result was expected all i asked from my boys was to...