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Kanada Fedidit Rangers† - Fedidit Rangers - #2 !

The Rangers Update!!! December 9th 2009

The Rangers have done it again! With their 4th straight win this season to now have a 4-1-0 record, the Rangers have now secured second place in the League standings! The Evils (1) won their game as well, a loss for them may have been enough to move the Rangers to first.

With a score of 2-6 against the RH Kings, The Rangers momentum continues. The Rangers out shot the RH Kings 27-19, but also took 4 penalties to the RH Kings 3.

The 3 stars are as follows, Joel Lewis (2 G, 0 A, +2), Vinny Digby (1 G, 1 A, +1), and Jakub Vlach (1 G, 0 A, +1), 1,2,3 respectivly.

On another note, vandals have been causing some mischief in the arena last night causing $5,000 damage. GM Eric H. suspects the fans of Fricasseed Frogs of League III.5 who are still upset from there game agaisnt Windsor Spartans where they lost 10-1 while trying to take 2nd position in their league. The fans have been on a rampage ever since.

Come and watch the next league game against World Hockey All-Stars (7) on Friday the 11th of December. Can the Rangers keep up the pace to try to catch RH Kings for that #1 spot?


Unikátnych prečítaní: 5
Hodnotenie správy: Slabý - Normálny - Perfektný