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西班牙 Rockwall Rangers† - Rockwall Ranger's Post-Game Press Conference 20-12-2011

Transcript from Rockwall Ranger’s Post-Game Press Conference at the Rockwall Center (20-12-2011 after a 3-2 win versus the Braves).

(General Manager Nicholas Nix)
Good evening, we like to start off the conference by congratulating our players and our coaching staff on this first win since the take over on Sunday. Of course this was only a friendly, but a win is a win and we will take it. I would also like to thank the Braves for their participation in this friendly.

First off I would like to make a couple of announcements. The first being the new away Uniforms we have on display behind me will be worn in tomorrow nights game for the first time.

Second, I would like to welcome to our staff Dr. Matias Vicente M.D. as the team’s new Head Physician. Dr. Vicente will be joining us for tomorrow’s night game and we our proud to have him on our team.

I would now like to let Coach Alonso take any questions you may have.

Thank you (Coach Alonso)

Q. What role did the Alvide to Mimbrero have in tonight’s win?
A. Ramon did a great job out there tonight, and it was not so much what Alvide didn’t do last night, it was just his night to show us what he could bring to this team.

Q. So does that mean you have a new starting goalie?
A. No, not at all. This is just one win, and since we were weighted as the better team coming into this I don’t see that it makes much of a difference on who will be our starting goalie. That decision will still have to wait until we can feel the two out.

Q. Who will be the starting goalie in tomorrow night’s game then?
A. We are going with Ramon again, but not because he has won the slot. He his just on fire right now, and we don’t want him to cool off on the bench. If this was another friendly we may have been more inclined to let him rest this one out, but it isn’t.

Q. What was the decision behind keeping Mimbrero in the whole game?
A. He was hot, and we were up and we did not want to let the Braves have a chance at winning.

Q. Was their any consideration on sitting him down?
A. No, none whatsoever he was doing great at 87% for the night, no.

Q. The offensive zone time in tonight’s game was much better than last night, but the penalties were worse can you explain the change?
A. As for the offense, we just did great and managed to stay on the offense nearly the whole game. A lot had to do with team we were facing as opposed to last night but that being said we did great. As for the penalties it is something that we have not finished working out and tonight that was apparent. I hope to have at most a 2-3 penalty a game team, and anything more than that is just unacceptable.

Q. Is Balsera becoming a liability due to his penalties and underperformance as a player.
A. Fran is trying, and the moment he stops trying is the moment he is off the team. He knows, I know it, and every member on the team knows that also applies to them.

Q. Is the Sanchez at Capitan and the Assistants set?
A. I had this question last night, yes. At least until a change is required.

Q. Can we expect to see four lines again tomorrow?
A. I will not comment on that.

Q. What do you think about the team going into tomorrow’s away game against Jesus C.H.?
A. I think we are a pretty evenly matched club compared to them as far as talent goes. But I think we will go out there and do what we did tonight and win. I have no doubt that this team can win tomorrow.

Q. This will be the first away game for the new coaching staff and management, do you think there any factors an away game will play into make this game more difficult.
A. Away games happen, and if we are not ready for one now, I don’t know when we will be ready.

Thank you, I will now turn the mic over to our G.M. (Coach Alonso).

Thank you. (G.M. Nix).

Q. Is the Rockwall Center going to be ready by Friday’s home game against C.H. Isotopos?
A. As far as we know now, it does not appear likely, which mean we will have to have another game with no crowd at least until Saturday’s friendly against Brno Warrior.

Q. On Wednesday the team will be at Jesusarena, then on Thursday the Rangers will be in Canada for the friendly at the Coors Light Coliseum, and then back at the Rockwall Center on Friday, will all this traveling have an effect on the team?
A. It may have an effect sure, but that is the schedule and we are going to play our best ay home, away, or even in Canada.

Q. At the end of last season the Rangers then San Augustin was moved from the 4th League up to the 3rd League, considering this season is right to feel that the Rangers should be put back into the 4th League?
A. Not at all, and hopefully we will soon be able to prove why that is the case.

Thank you for all your questions and good night. (G.M. Nix)
End of press conference

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