Rockwall Rangers† - Rockwall Ranger's Post-Game Press Conference 26-12-2011

(General Manager Nicholas Nix)
Good evening and thank you all for joining us here on this great on the road victory against the newly purchased and renamed Tarirosh. This is a great 0-16 win in League play moving the Rangers up to 17th overall!
Now, I would like to give our Coach a chance to speak, Coach Alonso.
Thank you (Coach Alonso)
Q. Does tonight’s 0-16 win erase Sunday nights 0-18 loss?
A. No, but it is good to get this kind of a win in league play.
Q. Was the distraction of ownership problems enough to make this big a win?
A. Yes, I think that probably had a lot to do with tonight’s win. Not to take away the credit from our players but I think that the other team’s distraction led to this amazing win.
Q. The word came about the ownership change during the game, do you think that may have pushed the loss over the top?
A. I am not sure what the thought process was in that locker room I just know that I would have not wanted to have been in their place. Also I know that this win may have not even happened or at least the score would have not been as high if we had played them two weeks ago. So we got a little lucky.
Q. The Rangers had 49 to 11 shots tonight, and won 47 to 26 Face-offs, while only giving up 3 penalties, is this team you want to see finish league play with, or is their more fine tuning to come?
A. Well, this is good team, we are much better than we were a week ago, but we will be much better in a week from now as well. As for tonight I am proud of my boys.
Q. What I mean is, are you going to cut back on the importance of each game?
A. For now no.
Q. Then when?
A. That is yet to be determined, but it is not far off.
Q. With 80% offensive zone time, how can you not be pleased with this win?
A. Well, I am pleased with, and I have yet to say anything otherwise. What I meant was that it is a great win, but it was a win against a disorganized team.
Q. Nearly every player either got a goal or an assist in tonight, but Galvez seemed to shine tonight, what did you think about him?
A. Federico did a great job, I was very pleased by his performance. He has not had a major role in the team as of yet, but he proved himself tonight.
Q. Tomorrow night is a home game against a team you loss to on Sunday 0-18, what will you try to do differently on Tuesday?
A. Win. No all joking aside we will try to get are starters a chance at them. Last time we gave our 1st line the night off. Tomorrow we will play all four lines.
Thank you, I will now turn the mic, over to our G.M. (Coach Alonso)
Thank you (G.M. Nix)
Again notice of promotional nights:
December 27th H.C. Martigny Game – Wayne Gretzky #99 Bobblehead Night.
December 28th F.C. Neng de Castefa A Game – Bill Masterton #19 Memorial Puck.
December 29th H.C. Prava Blondyna Game – Howie Morenz #7 Memorial Puck.
December 31st H.C. Bukvice Brno Game – Retired Numbers Hat Night.
I would like to welcome our Head Lecturer Ismael Alias to the Rockwall Rangers, and I hope he will be with us for many more years to come.
Also I would like to welcome two new teams into the league Tarirosh, and Matem. I hope only for the best for both clubs.
I will not be taking any questions tonight, we have to get on the bus and take the short drive back to the Rockwall Center.
Thank you all. (G.M. Nix)
End of press conference