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Ülke: Lig:

ABD The River Rats† - Budget Busting Time

With the veterans finishing up camp this week, fans are wondering what changes may be in store for the upcoming season.

"We have a strong team," Coach said. "Last season, we lacked scoring, but with strong defense, we made the playoffs. That was a big improvement after fighting to avoid relegation last season. With no budget, the team focused on training what we had this last season, and we did well. This season,our focus will be working to increase the scoring, while continuing to strengthen the defense."

Analysts have listed the holes for the Red and Black as (1) no defensive scoring, (2) little offensive scoring, and (3) mediocre goal tending. Since the playoffs began, the River Rats have added two scoring centers and a scoring winger, along with two very tough defensemen who should also be able to score. Fans are hoping the budget busting was worth it.

eşsiz görüşler: 22
Basın açıklaması değerlendirme: Zayıf - Normal - Mükemmel