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946 617 845
Ülke: Lig:

Kanada Gibsons Biznows† - Breaking!

-Biznows with an early exit from the season 12 playoffs.

-Riots erupting around Biznow Place.

-Local police in riot gear are firing tear gas into the crowd.

-The mob has made its way to the players parking garage and overturned 6 cars, one is still ablaze.

-Manager, Biznow, on local television and radio urging calm.

-Violence first broke out when a small group of unruly Royal City Redshift fans crashed the outdoor viewing party. Hurling bottles at the big screen every time Medard Drzsman let in a goal. They well and truly did break the Biznows goalie during that last friendly.

-Redshift fans incited the Biznows crowd, convincing them to overturn Drzsman's car. Things then escalated and further players vehicles were set on fire.

-Police Chief Krispy Kreme says law enforcement from other jurisdictions have been called in to help control the growing crowd

-Tune in for the latest on the 11 o'clock news.

eşsiz görüşler: 27
Basın açıklaması değerlendirme: Zayıf - Normal - Mükemmel