Dunnville Mudcats - Fan Hatred Day
(AP) Just days after having failed to change the name of the franchise, the Dunnville organization is back in the spotlight after a leaked video shows upper management of the Mudcat team engaging in a shocking activity that could put those involved in serious trouble. A low quality, 42 second video was obtained showing team GM and President Paul Roedb, among others, attending an activity at the team's arena entitled, "Fan Hatred Day". A storefront dummy, with a noose tied around its neck and a sign around its neck reading - "Typical Mudcat Fan", can be seen standing on a chair in the forefront of the video. HR Spokeswoman Miriam Estuary, dressed in a scanty outfit, can then be seen doing a dirty dance in front of the dummy before concluding the routine by kicking the chair out from under the hapless figure. Roedb, clearly intoxicated and holding a jerry can and a lighter, then comes on screen and, after dousing the dummy with gasoline, lights it on fire. The fire quickly spreads to the sleeve of Roedb's shirt and he can be seen rolling around on the ground as the movie comes to a close.
Reaction from Canadian Human Rights groups was swift and severe. "Shocking", "wholly disturbing" and "mannequin snuff" were some of the initial responses. Even the Mudcat Mirror, the management-controlled mouthpiece of the Mudcat organization offered a mild criticism calling the video, "grainy", "hard to see clearly" and "lacking the high standards than we have become used to". Calls to team legal representative Ed Valentine were left unanswered at press time.
Reaction from Canadian Human Rights groups was swift and severe. "Shocking", "wholly disturbing" and "mannequin snuff" were some of the initial responses. Even the Mudcat Mirror, the management-controlled mouthpiece of the Mudcat organization offered a mild criticism calling the video, "grainy", "hard to see clearly" and "lacking the high standards than we have become used to". Calls to team legal representative Ed Valentine were left unanswered at press time.
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