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Ülke: Lig:

Kanada Edmonton Frozen Blizzards† - Championship

It was a near prefect season for the Edmonton Blizzards as the team never lost a league game or Play-off game on way to the teams first regular season and play-off championship.

"It was a great season from all aspect but lets be fair a lot of the good teams got promoted last year and when South Detroit manager gave up half way through the season it left only one team that was going to win the championship." Stated flatly Team Manager & General Manger Robert Bouchard.

"We now face a situation where we are moving up to division 2 when we most likely should have if they hadn't re-organized the division last summer. We look forward to the extra cash to help move long some of our projects and the stronger competition but I wouldn't be surprised if we don't simple relegate at the end of next season back to division 3." continued Bouchard.

"It was a great championship but an hollow championship!!" he finished as he turned on his heels and walked back towards his office.

eşsiz görüşler: 6
Basın açıklaması değerlendirme: Zayıf - Normal - Mükemmel