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ABD Cincinnati Spartans† - Cincinnati Spartans on Free Agent Spree

The Cincinnati Spartans Hockey Club has announced that the team has obtained the rights of four players (two goaltenders, one defender, and one forward.)
The teams has announced the players names: Swedish goaltender Rafael Landskog, Hungarian goaltender Herman Bihari, Hungarian defenseman Viktor Gersek, and Czech foward Paval Rortek.
After questioned why he made a bunch of moves just two games in after being promoted to II, Areo just responded with,"After seeing the skid in performance, I knew it was the right time to pick up some key players."

eşsiz görüşler: 4
Basın açıklaması değerlendirme: Zayıf - Normal - Mükemmel
ABD Cincinnati Spartans† takımı bu basın açıklamasına yanıt verdi: Review on Free Agent Signings