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Ülke: Lig:

ABD The River Rats† - Building Strength

Many wondered what the team would do this year. And, fans did not have long to wait. This week, four players were sold, including fan favorite Rinārs Lebedoks one of the teams early leading scorers. Two recent academy graduates were also released. The team has recruited another four new players and two staff member, at a total cost of nearly $7 million. The team also sold or fired some existing staff.

"We promised to build the team," Coach said at this week's press conference. "First we built infrastructure--facilities. And we will continue to do so. Now, we are building the roster."

But, fans are worried about this season. Most of those players will need extra training before they are ready for league play. So will several of the late season and playoff acquisitions. Those worries seem to be unjustified, though The team won its first two games of the season--a team first since Coach took over. Can The River Rats keep it up? That remains to be seen.

eşsiz görüşler: 14
Basın açıklaması değerlendirme: Zayıf - Normal - Mükemmel
ABD The River Rats† takımı bu basın açıklamasına yanıt verdi: Struggling With Scoring