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 Прэс-рэлізы: IV.4 (ЗША)

2 453 397 537
Краіна: Ліга:
ЗША Turtleheads† - Appalachian State - Cant Wait
I want to see my team play I have never seen them play before.

ЗША O'Fallon Outlaws† - Fred Benavides "NO.1" Goalie
Fred Benavides is the vipers best goalie,acoridding to the manager,players,and fans.But why number one as a nick name well his player number is number one."I thought it would be a funny idea beac...

ЗША O'Fallon Outlaws† - Ray"ZER"Simmons
After the game against the Ohio State Buckys the manager of the New England Vipers dicided to may changes to the line ups."I just thought that i needed to play more players one in a while."s...

ЗША O'Fallon Outlaws† - Young Team V.S. Old Team
On Nov.24,2012 The new england vipers bet the ohio state buckeys 9 to 6.the star player of the game was new englands very own josh ashes."it was a hard game for us"says the manager of the ne...

ЗША HK Butterflies† - New Manager
I'm glad to be manager Express and I shall not give up