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 Izjava za štampu: III.5 (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo)

2 460 949 766
Država: Liga:
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo SHEFFIELD SHARKS† - Market Day
Your Sports 24 sponsored Sheffield Sharks will be going to the Market tomorrow as Rookie Coach Pete Calvert looks to strengthen his sqaud ahead of the play offs Calvert was qouted in saying he is look...

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Leeds Brewers† - Leeds schedule extra game
The first game at the Brewhouse Arena will now be two days earlier than first announced after the Brewers management scheduled an extra game. Leeds will now play Huddersfield Huskies on Sunday 12th ...

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Leeds Brewers† - Leeds open new Arena
The first ice hockey game in the brand new Brewhouse Arena in Leeds, United Kingdom will be on Tuesday, 14th June 2011. Facing off at 18:00 The Brewers will take on the Wolfes of the Jungle from Brazi...

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo THE DUCKS† - 34-1
where do they get these scores from ?

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Manchester Zombies† - Champions!
Manchester Zombies were crowned league champions today after beating rivals Huddersfield Hawks 4-3 to take the series 2-1. It was a well fought season and the Zombie organisation look forward to a...

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Manchester Zombies† - Into the Playoffs for Zombies
Zombies head into the playoffs soon with expectations high. Top of the league Huddersfield showed that they can be beaten, their first loss all season. Zombie captain, D-man Glaudins, said that the...

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Nottingham Sabres 47679 † - Sttealth are up and coming!!!
Thank you to our masses of supporters. The future game with the Snakes will be a big test for our new side. So with a little bit of Sttelth charm let's get them Snakes back in their basket .

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Manchester Zombies† - Zombies beat top of the league
Manchester Zombies made their promotion intentions clear last night with a close fought 4-3 win over top of the league Allmighty. The game, played in front of a full house for the first time in Zom...

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo sheffield snakes† - rebranding
We are looking forward to the games to come with the hope of rebranding the club in the future, this will get us into the right mind set for the start of the first full season next year.

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Manchester Zombies† - Zombies excited for first full season
The Zombies have enjoyed a good pre-season so far with solid friendly displays and 2 victories over more experienced teams in a European Tournament. The GM has been scratching his, ahem, brain, ov...