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  Prizes for regular season statistics: IV.23 (Hungary)

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HK Polamane Nohy
League game
8.7.2024 18:00


Country: League:

Goal scoring leaders

Rank Team Player G Prize money
1 Hungary toria† ? Jácint Czinege 31 235 379
2 Hungary Team noname 108432 ? Andor Hartman 30 211 841
3 Hungary toria† ? Álmos Kerényi 29 188 303
4 Hungary Zöldsasok† ? Zsolt Verebély 29 164 765
5 Hungary Zöldsasok† ? István Süveges 28 141 227
6 Hungary Team noname 108939 ? Zsigmond Wolf 28 117 689
7 Hungary Team noname 110077 ? Levente Jancsik 28 94 151
8 Hungary toria† ? András Kővári 27 70 614
9 Hungary Team noname 108939 ? Csongor Seres 27 47 076
10 Hungary HK.Radnicski† ? Adrián Hegyi 27 23 538

Tie breaking procedure: fewer games played, more points, more shots on goal, better plus/minus rating

Scoring leaders

Rank Team Player TP Prize money
1 Hungary Team noname 108432 ? Andor Hartman 69 235 379
2 Hungary Team noname 108432 ? István Gelb 66 211 841
3 Hungary toria† ? Álmos Kerényi 65 188 303
4 Hungary toria† ? András Kővári 65 164 765
5 Hungary Team noname 108432 ? Attila Mihók 65 141 227
6 Hungary Zöldsasok† ? Zsolt Verebély 64 117 689
7 Hungary Zöldsasok† ? István Süveges 63 94 151
8 Hungary Zöldsasok† ? Nándor Sárkány 63 70 614
9 Hungary Zöldsasok† ? Gyula Gajdos 61 47 076
10 Hungary Team noname 120809 ? Zoltán Imre 61 23 538

Tie breaking procedure: more goals, fewer games played, more shots on goal, better plus/minus rating

Save percentage leaders

Rank Team Player Sv% Prize money
1 Hungary Team noname 106633 ? Alfonz Lehoczky 76.21% 235 379
2 Hungary toria† ? Lajos Horovitz 76.13% 211 841
3 Hungary Team noname 108020 ? Csaba Stadler 75.09% 188 303
4 Hungary Team noname 108938 ? István Lakatos 74.85% 164 765
5 Hungary Team noname 110397 ? Gábor Kabos 74.77% 141 227

Goalies must meet the minimum number of minutes played requirement (one third from the total number of minutes).
Tie breaking procedure: more minutes played, fewer goals against

Top scoring defensemen

Rank Team Player TP Prize money
1 Hungary Zöldsasok† ? József Tóth 42 235 379
2 Hungary Zöldsasok† ? Antal Hauser 41 211 841
3 Hungary Team noname 120809 ? László Dunai 41 188 303
4 Hungary Team noname 108432 ? Valentin Nyeste 39 164 765
5 Hungary Team noname 108272 ? József Jónás 39 141 227
6 Hungary Team noname 108939 ? József Janzsek 39 117 689
7 Hungary Zöldsasok† ? Antal Rubint 38 94 151
8 Hungary Team noname 108432 ? Tamás Szélinger 38 70 614
9 Hungary Team noname 120809 ? Norbert Szakács 37 47 076
10 Hungary HK.Radnicski† ? József Búza 36 23 538

Tie breaking procedure: more goals, fewer games played, more shots on goal, better plus/minus rating