Season | Date | Event |
1 (0/112) | 2009-04-12 | Team was assigned to a manager - zezinhoR |
1 (25/112) | 2009-05-14 | Team folded - zezinhoR |
1 (28/112) | 2009-05-17 | Team was assigned to a manager - luiano |
1 (52/112) | 2009-06-10 | Team folded - luiano |
1 (53/112) | 2009-06-11 | Team was assigned to a manager - joaomarcosfiuza2009 |
1 (75/112) | 2009-07-03 | Team folded - joaomarcosfiuza2009 |
1 (76/112) | 2009-07-04 | Team was assigned to a manager - tutuira10 |
1 (98/112) | 2009-07-26 | Team folded - tutuira10 |
1 (99/112) | 2009-07-27 | Team was assigned to a manager - ynare |
2 (9/112) | 2009-08-18 | Team folded - ynare |
2 (12/112) | 2009-08-21 | Team was assigned to a manager - iguinhotjs000 |
2 (38/112) | 2009-09-16 | Team folded - iguinhotjs000 |
2 (40/112) | 2009-09-18 | Team was assigned to a manager - vi10t |
2 (63/112) | 2009-10-11 | Team folded - vi10t |
2 (64/112) | 2009-10-12 | Team was assigned to a manager - nonats |
2 (86/112) | 2009-11-03 | Team folded - nonats |
2 (87/112) | 2009-11-04 | Team was assigned to a manager - JuniorPrestes |
2 (109/112) | 2009-11-26 | Team folded - JuniorPrestes |
2 (112/112) | 2009-11-29 | Team was assigned to a manager - Kel14 |
3 (22/112) | 2009-12-21 | Team folded - Kel14 |
3 (24/112) | 2009-12-23 | Team was assigned to a manager - marcusamf |
3 (47/112) | 2010-01-15 | Team folded - marcusamf |
3 (47/112) | 2010-01-15 | Team was assigned to a manager - aleberen |
3 (70/112) | 2010-02-07 | Team folded - aleberen |
3 (71/112) | 2010-02-08 | Team was assigned to a manager - mark1222 |
3 (93/112) | 2010-03-02 | Team folded - mark1222 |
3 (94/112) | 2010-03-03 | Team was assigned to a manager - FelipeDj |
4 (4/112) | 2010-03-25 | Team folded - FelipeDj |
4 (8/112) | 2010-03-29 | Team was assigned to a manager - quinho |
4 (31/112) | 2010-04-21 | Team folded - quinho |
6 (61/112) | 2010-12-31 | Team was assigned to a manager - alex poté |
6 (83/112) | 2011-01-22 | Team folded - alex poté |
6 (89/112) | 2011-01-28 | Team was assigned to a manager - lopoik |
6 (111/112) | 2011-02-19 | Team folded - lopoik |
7 (1/112) | 2011-02-21 | Team was assigned to a manager - metheuspv |
7 (23/112) | 2011-03-15 | Team folded - metheuspv |
7 (27/112) | 2011-03-19 | Team was assigned to a manager - rique2000 |
7 (49/112) | 2011-04-10 | Team folded - rique2000 |
7 (58/112) | 2011-04-19 | Team was assigned to a manager - vitortwitter |
7 (81/112) | 2011-05-12 | Team folded - vitortwitter |
7 (81/112) | 2011-05-12 | Team was assigned to a manager - italoporto |
7 (104/112) | 2011-06-04 | Team folded - italoporto |
7 (106/112) | 2011-06-06 | Team was assigned to a manager - Lkas |
8 (17/112) | 2011-06-29 | Team folded - Lkas |
8 (20/112) | 2011-07-02 | Team was assigned to a manager - charlesjrr |
8 (42/112) | 2011-07-24 | Team folded - charlesjrr |
8 (76/112) | 2011-08-27 | Team was assigned to a manager - Raellon |
8 (98/112) | 2011-09-18 | Team folded - Raellon |
11 (20/112) | 2012-06-02 | Team was assigned to a manager - eliton97 |
11 (43/112) | 2012-06-25 | Team folded - eliton97 |
11 (58/112) | 2012-07-10 | Team was assigned to a manager - Higas |
11 (104/112) | 2012-08-25 | Team folded - Higas |
11 (105/112) | 2012-08-26 | Team was assigned to a manager - Valdinei arantes |
12 (15/112) | 2012-09-17 | Team folded - Valdinei arantes |
12 (20/112) | 2012-09-22 | Team was assigned to a manager - PAULO RJ |
12 (42/112) | 2012-10-14 | Team folded - PAULO RJ |
12 (74/112) | 2012-11-15 | Team was assigned to a manager - miguel474 |
12 (97/112) | 2012-12-08 | Team folded - miguel474 |
12 (103/112) | 2012-12-14 | Team was assigned to a manager - danimac |
13 (27/112) | 2013-01-19 | Team folded - danimac |
13 (29/112) | 2013-01-21 | Team was assigned to a manager - Treinador Mestre |
13 (51/112) | 2013-02-12 | Team folded - Treinador Mestre |
13 (54/112) | 2013-02-15 | Team was assigned to a manager - filipovik |
13 (76/112) | 2013-03-09 | Team folded - filipovik |
13 (77/112) | 2013-03-10 | Team was assigned to a manager - Henrique Soledade |
13 (99/112) | 2013-04-01 | Team folded - Henrique Soledade |
13 (103/112) | 2013-04-05 | Team was assigned to a manager - Gustavo Borges |
14 (13/112) | 2013-04-27 | Team folded - Gustavo Borges |
14 (16/112) | 2013-04-30 | Team was assigned to a manager - GabrielFlu2 |
14 (39/112) | 2013-05-23 | Team folded - GabrielFlu2 |
14 (39/112) | 2013-05-23 | Team was assigned to a manager - italo borges vasconcelos |
14 (62/112) | 2013-06-15 | Team folded - italo borges vasconcelos |
14 (65/112) | 2013-06-18 | Team was assigned to a manager - AnNnDeRsOnNn |
14 (88/112) | 2013-07-11 | Team folded - AnNnDeRsOnNn |
14 (94/112) | 2013-07-17 | Team was assigned to a manager - matheusfcf |
15 (4/112) | 2013-08-08 | Team folded - matheusfcf |
15 (8/112) | 2013-08-12 | Team was assigned to a manager - mateus123asd |
15 (39/112) | 2013-09-12 | Team folded - mateus123asd |
15 (43/112) | 2013-09-16 | Team was assigned to a manager - alexandrexin57 |
15 (72/112) | 2013-10-15 | Team folded - alexandrexin57 |
15 (77/112) | 2013-10-20 | Team was assigned to a manager - Monzinho |
15 (99/112) | 2013-11-11 | Team folded - Monzinho |
15 (103/112) | 2013-11-15 | Team was assigned to a manager - LuanP |
16 (13/112) | 2013-12-07 | Team folded - LuanP |
16 (16/112) | 2013-12-10 | Team was assigned to a manager - luansch |
16 (39/112) | 2014-01-02 | Team folded - luansch |
16 (40/112) | 2014-01-03 | Team was assigned to a manager - maikon souza cruz |
16 (62/112) | 2014-01-25 | Team folded - maikon souza cruz |
16 (69/112) | 2014-02-01 | Team was assigned to a manager - AndersonBolado |
16 (75/112) | 2014-02-07 | Team folded - AndersonBolado |
16 (76/112) | 2014-02-08 | Team was assigned to a manager - atalus123 |
16 (103/112) | 2014-03-07 | Team folded - atalus123 |
16 (108/112) | 2014-03-12 | Team was assigned to a manager - VINICIUSLINORODRIGUES |
17 (18/112) | 2014-04-03 | Team folded - VINICIUSLINORODRIGUES |
17 (23/112) | 2014-04-08 | Team was assigned to a manager - inhaia2 |
17 (45/112) | 2014-04-30 | Team folded - inhaia2 |
17 (48/112) | 2014-05-03 | Team was assigned to a manager - tamarino17 |
17 (70/112) | 2014-05-25 | Team folded - tamarino17 |
17 (73/112) | 2014-05-28 | Team was assigned to a manager - Patrick Moreira |
17 (96/112) | 2014-06-20 | Team folded - Patrick Moreira |
17 (100/112) | 2014-06-24 | Team was assigned to a manager - gilbertosa |
18 (12/112) | 2014-07-18 | Team folded - gilbertosa |
18 (16/112) | 2014-07-22 | Team was assigned to a manager - Bruno Rodolfo |
18 (38/112) | 2014-08-13 | Team folded - Bruno Rodolfo |
18 (45/112) | 2014-08-20 | Team was assigned to a manager - Elizabethc19 |
18 (71/112) | 2014-09-15 | Team folded - Elizabethc19 |
18 (108/112) | 2014-10-22 | Team was assigned to a manager - gustavoke |
19 (18/112) | 2014-11-13 | Team folded - gustavoke |
19 (20/112) | 2014-11-15 | Team was assigned to a manager - adrielle |
19 (42/112) | 2014-12-07 | Team folded - adrielle |
19 (45/112) | 2014-12-10 | Team was assigned to a manager - Davi Kapuchi Slikpty |
19 (67/112) | 2015-01-01 | Team folded - Davi Kapuchi Slikpty |
19 (71/112) | 2015-01-05 | Team was assigned to a manager - joaopedro888 |
19 (74/112) | 2015-01-08 | Team folded - joaopedro888 |
19 (76/112) | 2015-01-10 | Team was assigned to a manager - guilherme2003 |
19 (99/112) | 2015-02-02 | Team folded - guilherme2003 |
19 (101/112) | 2015-02-04 | Team was assigned to a manager - Gabriel Afonso Fonseca |
20 (14/112) | 2015-03-01 | Team folded - Gabriel Afonso Fonseca |
20 (15/112) | 2015-03-02 | Team was assigned to a manager - alansilva |
20 (37/112) | 2015-03-24 | Team folded - alansilva |
20 (43/112) | 2015-03-30 | Team was assigned to a manager - fabiano 123 |
20 (66/112) | 2015-04-22 | Team folded - fabiano 123 |
20 (66/112) | 2015-04-22 | Team was assigned to a manager - cassi66 |
20 (89/112) | 2015-05-15 | Team folded - cassi66 |
20 (91/112) | 2015-05-17 | Team was assigned to a manager - Pedro Ca |
21 (62/112) | 2015-08-08 | Team folded - Pedro Ca |
21 (68/112) | 2015-08-14 | Team was assigned to a manager - Brayan Montagner |
21 (90/112) | 2015-09-05 | Team folded - Brayan Montagner |
21 (95/112) | 2015-09-10 | Team was assigned to a manager - Igor Lencastre |
22 (10/112) | 2015-10-07 | Team folded - Igor Lencastre |
22 (13/112) | 2015-10-10 | Team was assigned to a manager - Petkovic10 |
22 (35/112) | 2015-11-01 | Team folded - Petkovic10 |
22 (38/112) | 2015-11-04 | Team was assigned to a manager - gabricoelho |
22 (60/112) | 2015-11-26 | Team folded - gabricoelho |
22 (62/112) | 2015-11-28 | Team was assigned to a manager - saideperto |
22 (84/112) | 2015-12-20 | Team folded - saideperto |
22 (94/112) | 2015-12-30 | Team was assigned to a manager - tutate |
23 (25/112) | 2016-02-11 | Team folded - tutate |
23 (52/112) | 2016-03-09 | Team was assigned to a manager - Conrado Iacono |
23 (74/112) | 2016-03-31 | Team folded - Conrado Iacono |
23 (85/112) | 2016-04-11 | Team was assigned to a manager - laelson123 |
23 (107/112) | 2016-05-03 | Team folded - laelson123 |
24 (25/112) | 2016-06-02 | Team was assigned to a manager - Santos5225 |
24 (48/112) | 2016-06-25 | Team folded - Santos5225 |
24 (49/112) | 2016-06-26 | Team was assigned to a manager - JhonnyBr55 |
24 (104/112) | 2016-08-20 | Team folded - JhonnyBr55 |
24 (108/112) | 2016-08-24 | Team was assigned to a manager - Alquimista Geral |
25 (18/112) | 2016-09-15 | Team folded - Alquimista Geral |
25 (27/112) | 2016-09-24 | Team was assigned to a manager - tiago15112005 |
25 (62/112) | 2016-10-29 | Team folded - tiago15112005 |
25 (72/112) | 2016-11-08 | Team was assigned to a manager - marcos123q |
25 (95/112) | 2016-12-01 | Team folded - marcos123q |
25 (99/112) | 2016-12-05 | Team was assigned to a manager - Gabriel Bruno de Oliveira |
26 (9/112) | 2016-12-27 | Team folded - Gabriel Bruno de Oliveira |
26 (29/112) | 2017-01-16 | Team was assigned to a manager - yuri campos |
26 (51/112) | 2017-02-07 | Team folded - yuri campos |
26 (52/112) | 2017-02-08 | Team was assigned to a manager - Yuri Campos Maciente |
26 (74/112) | 2017-03-02 | Team folded - Yuri Campos Maciente |
Season | Team name | Results |
51 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 7 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 1 in the regular season of league III.1. |
50 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 2 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 5 in the regular season of league III.1. |
49 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 7 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 3 in the regular season of league III.1. |
48 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 2 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 3 in the regular season of league III.1. |
47 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 5 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 4 in the regular season of league III.1. |
46 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 3 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 3 in the regular season of league III.1. |
45 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 6 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 4 in the regular season of league III.1. |
44 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 4 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 3 in the regular season of league III.1. |
43 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 3 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 3 in the regular season of league III.1. |
42 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 3 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 3 in the regular season of league III.1. |
41 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 4 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 2 in the regular season of league III.1. |
40 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 1 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 3 in the regular season of league III.1. |
39 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 2 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 1 in the regular season of league III.1. |
38 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 3 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 5 in the regular season of league III.1. |
37 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 3 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 2 in the regular season of league III.1. |
36 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 3 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 2 in the regular season of league III.1. |
35 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 4 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 2 in the regular season of league III.1. |
34 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 7 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 6 in the regular season of league III.1. |
33 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 4 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 4 in the regular season of league III.1. |
32 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 5 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 4 in the regular season of league III.1. |
31 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 2 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 4 in the regular season of league III.1. |
30 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 7 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 3 in the regular season of league III.1. |
29 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 5 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 6 in the regular season of league III.1. |
28 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 5 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 5 in the regular season of league III.1. |
27 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Rank 3 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 5 in the regular season of league III.1. |
26 | Puerto Novo Clube RN† |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Moved to league III.1 by the hockey association. |
Rank 16 in the playoff of league II.2. |
Rank 14 in the regular season of league II.2. |
25 | cicero dantas |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 15 in the playoff of league II.2. |
Rank 15 in the regular season of league II.2. |
24 | Total Ice |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 15 in the playoff of league II.2. |
Rank 16 in the regular season of league II.2. |
23 | santa cruz |
Eliminated in round 3 of the National Cup. |
Rank 18 in the playoff of league II.2. |
Rank 19 in the regular season of league II.2. |
22 | WarTeam H.C† |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 13 in the playoff of league II.2. |
Rank 15 in the regular season of league II.2. |
21 | Brayan FC |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 17 in the playoff of league II.2. |
Rank 20 in the regular season of league II.2. |
20 | belem fc hoqueii |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Moved to league II.2 by the hockey association. |
Rank 15 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 13 in the regular season of league III.1. |
19 | reallona |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 19 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 19 in the regular season of league III.1. |
18 | Sakurai† |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Moved to league III.1 by the hockey association. |
Rank 17 in the playoff of league III.7. |
Rank 17 in the regular season of league III.7. |
17 | trick fc |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 14 in the playoff of league III.7. |
Rank 10 in the regular season of league III.7. |
16 | Corais HC |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 10 in the playoff of league III.7. |
Rank 13 in the regular season of league III.7. |
15 | SC Corinthians Paulista |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 6 in the playoff of league III.7. |
Rank 8 in the regular season of league III.7. |
14 | CR Red Bull |
Rank 257 in the National Cup. |
Rank 6 in the playoff of league III.7. |
Rank 6 in the regular season of league III.7. |
13 | CR Red Bull |
Rank 129 in the National Cup. |
Rank 17 in the playoff of league III.7. |
Rank 17 in the regular season of league III.7. |
Rank 257 in the National Cup. |
Moved to league III.7 by the hockey association. |
Rank 9 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 12 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
11 | Golden Eagles |
Rank 513 in the National Cup. |
Rank 18 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 17 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
10 | Team noname 32616 |
Rank 257 in the National Cup. |
Rank 16 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 14 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
9 | Team noname 32616 |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 10 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 15 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
8 | Aguias |
Eliminated in round 4 of the National Cup. |
Rank 19 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 19 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
7 | Campinense FC |
Eliminated in round 3 of the National Cup. |
Rank 14 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 9 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
6 | Team noname 32616 |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 19 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 20 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
5 | Team noname 32616 |
Eliminated in round 3 of the National Cup. |
Rank 16 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 12 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
4 | Team noname 32616 |
Eliminated in round 4 of the National Cup. |
Rank 11 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 14 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
3 | Panteras |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 14 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 9 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
2 | Makanudos |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 5 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 6 in the regular season of league IV.7. |
1 | timão do corinthians |
Eliminated in round 5 of the National Cup. |
Rank 11 in the playoff of league IV.7. |
Rank 10 in the regular season of league IV.7. |