Team logo
Team puck
This team doesn't have its own puck!
General sponsor
Team strength | ||
Goaltending | 71 |
Defense | 74 |
Offense | 56 |
Shooting | 51 |
Total | 63 |
Canadian Express† | |
Country | Canada |
Region | Unknown |
Date established | 2013-01-28 (Season 13) |
Arena name | Canadian Hockey House (3450) |
Team website | --- |
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Most recent trophies | |
Recently collected pucks | |
Latest press releases | |
29.05.2015 21:57:33
Express Report- BREAKING NEWS-Express name Alvin Jordan Captain
22.03.2015 21:41:39
Express say Goodbye to Long Time Captain Brandt Morrison
09.03.2014 04:10:00
Express Report- Season 17 Pre-Season starts soon