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Team strength | ||
Goaltending | 69 |
Defense | 75 |
Offense | 48 |
Shooting | 80 |
Total | 68 |
HC Selié† | |
Country | Czech Republic |
Region | Unknown |
Date established | 2014-09-29 (Season 18) |
Arena name | Stadium of Legend Lopré (1800) |
Team website | --- |
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15.01.2014 18:29:27
HC Sešívaní - FC Narnie 14:2, Posili, Rekonstrukce stadionu
13.01.2014 19:41:14
The Coyotes - FC Narnie 10:5
06.01.2014 20:31:45
HC Blajkec- FC Narnie 9:10 pp