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 Communiqués de Presse

2 455 590 910
Pays: Ligue:

USA HC Washington† - Fans Thrilled by Suspenseful Game - HC Washington vs. Philly Flyers

As the ice got resurfaced, players suited up of what would be a real challenging match against Ranked 12 HC Washington and Ranked 6 Philly Flyers. Through many bumps and bruises, it was not a game for goalies. 4-1 for Washington after the 1st period. 2nd period, 7-6 Washington. 3rd period, it was a tie 8-8. All the fans were clinging to their chairs as the Philly Flyers shot one at the pipes with 2:48 minutes left in OT. But, all chaos erupted when HC Washington scored with 0:08 seconds remaining! What an excellent goal by RW Pete Pugh! Fans high-fived the team as they went back to the locker room with a 2-point win that ranked HC Washington as 10th seed.

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