Dunnville Mudcats - Inbred Town
(AP) Paul Roedb is again in trouble for inflammatory comments this weeks after suggesting that he could win a bet with a fellow businessman by bringing the entire town of Dunnville to a home match by running a, "Bring Your Cousins to the Game" advertising campaign. The comments, made to local Dunnville reporters, strongly suggested that Roedb views the local citizenry of his team's fan base as being from the same extended family. Reaction was swift and severe. Canadian human rights groups branded Roedb a "monster" and demanded a federal commission to look into the matter. When pressed as to the reasoning for his comments, Roedb told a CBC correspondent, "I didn't mean first cousins you know? Second and third cousins were meant to be included." Roedb has had numerous run in's with the fan base in the past, with his tendency to insult and demean the local population for its, "ignorance of the game of hockey" and its, "imbicility towards most aspects of life". Roedb, a native Vancouverite, took over the reigns of the club shortly after team owners the D'Angelo family relocated the club to the Dunnville area and the problems have been building ever since.
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