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 הודעה לעיתונות

מדינה: ליגה:

ארה Dbo's Tigers† - A Sad Farewell To Galts...

It is with heavy heart that we bid farewell to Galt's Galtites. News is that the team folded on 6/1. Having come up from league III with this team, the Tigers have had a friendly rivalry going for with Galt and his men for about 2 seasons. Two evenly matched teams, they were the two finalists in the promotion tournament to league II a season ago. It came down to overtime and even though the Tigers lost, we were able to gain promotion in the secondary round, the rivalry remained as both wound up in League II.4. Trading wins was always a sign of the games played with these two teams with many coming down to shootouts or last minute goals.

Farewell Galt, you guys will be missed.

צפייה אישית: 10
רייטינג ההודעה לתקשורת: חלש - נורמלי - מצויין