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 הודעה לעיתונות

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קנדה Royal City Redshift - Royal City Spectra - V1E5: Noe Currie Trades Pads for Players' Skates

Noe Currie has been training with the Redshift for this his 3rd season. The young netminder has featured in 3 regular season games this year, including 2 starts. However, with injuries and 22 of the Redshift regulars at camp, management has requested Noe Currie trade his pads for a player's stick for the coming games so the Redshift can ice 4 lines.

"It is certainly something you don't see everyday" said Noe. "One thing is for sure, I'll be given the role of shot-blocker in from of the net tomorrow!"

Redshift management attempted to land a foreign defenceman on a one-week contract but the player signed in Switzerland where he was given more guarantees.

"We assessed our options and decided that we'd get Noe to play RD for tomorrow's game in Montreal. He played out in our season-end scrimmage last season and held his own. Let's just hope his backwards skating has improved" said head coach Maximo Willson.

The Redshift have had a hard season this year and have declared they will be making a move to the second division next season.

"We're not throwing in the towel, just accepting our fate and making the best move for the future stability of our franchise. With this move we'll likely see some of our veterans move as they will wish to stay in a top division and with that we will not hold anyone back if they wish to seek playing elsewhere" said canucks357.

Rumour has it that several of the long-time Redshift/Gryphon players may look to move to other top clubs, including some hall of fame inductees.

Nevertheless, tomorrow's game will feature Noe Currie skating on the fourth line. He'll take a regular shift and will certainly draw some attention from fans and the other players.

"I'm looking forward to it. Not too many guys make this transition. I've seen a player have to go in net but never a goalie play out. This is certainly something I'll remember forever. Heck, how many guys can say they have both goalie and player stats for the same season?" said Noe.

Redshift management have not declared his status for Friday's game when the Redshift host the 2:1:1 Saints.

"We don't want to say one way or another. A lot can change so we'll see where we are come Friday. In reality we'd want Noe with his pads on but we work with the cards we are dealt" said canucks357. "The 2:1:1 Saints will be fresh off their own training camps so we'll have our work cut out for us. We need to focus on tomorrow's efforts first and foremost however."

צפייה אישית: 36
רייטינג ההודעה לתקשורת: חלש - נורמלי - מצויין