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 הודעה לעיתונות

מדינה: ליגה:
הודעה לתקשורת הזו היא מענה להודעת התקשורת של הקבוצה ארה GoldenBoogers†: GoldenBoogers Formed

ארה GoldenBoogers† - Youth

A hockey mastermind has started a new team named of all things The Goldenboogers. He understands that a fresh young team will have its ups and downs (mostly downs) while slowly establishing a powerhouse of a club. He enjoys healthy competition and expects to find it in this fine league. When we come to your town we will give you all a great show. A great big thank you to league management for giving us this great opportunity to be a team in your league. Yours the filthiest of all mitts. FilthyMitts!

צפייה אישית: 8
רייטינג ההודעה לתקשורת: חלש - נורמלי - מצויין