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 הודעה לעיתונות

מדינה: ליגה:
הודעה לתקשורת הזו היא מענה להודעת התקשורת של הקבוצה ארה flyers dream team†: First Mississauga Majors game a major success

ארה Charlotte Whale 79050 † - Red Shirts win at home.

It was a tough game that came down to the wire but at the end of the last horn the #9 ranked Red Shirts came out on top 6-5 in thrilling fashion against the #10 ranked Bosses. The Red Shirts are currently 1 point down from the 8th seed and go into hostile territory next week to face the number one team in the division. Stay tuned for more Cleveland Red Shirt as Owner/Gm PointForwardTex stated after the game, "I look to bring this team a Stanley Cup, that is the ultimate goal is to bring a championship back to Cleveland, and I hope to do it this year." Will the Red Shirts take this victory as a catapult into the playoffs or will they fall short? Only time will tell.

צפייה אישית: 11
רייטינג ההודעה לתקשורת: חלש - נורמלי - מצויין