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Estados Unidos Cleveland WhiteFlags† - Cleveland White Flags plan for the future....

GM Angelo Cerilli came out of hiding today with his plan towards the future of Cleveland White Flag hockey.

On the Retreat Arena, "We currently have an Arena very similar to the Saginaw Spirits Arena, as far as expanding, I don't see us making any major expansions for now."

On the facilities, "Facilities is my main priority, simple put I want Retreat Arena to be one of the best in this league, I know that isn't the case now and its a long way before we can even enter the discussion, however we are doing are best."

On the players, "We have a great group here, we clearly have a playoff team, right now we are trying to preserve energy on the team for a possible playoff push, and playoff performance I think very highly of this team, I doubt we won't be in the playoffs come the end of the season."

As you can see we are looking forward to very good season here for the White Flags, fans keep an eye out for this team in the near future.

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