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This press release is a response to the press release of team Velika Britanija Manchester Phoenix†: Five...

Velika Britanija Manchester Phoenix† - Three...

After Bingham Bears put up a very good fight today but ultimately fell during a very long penalty shoot-out, Manchester Phoenix now need three points, or a single regulation time win, to secure the league II.3 title in Season 7.

The penalty shootout was scoreless until, amazingly, the ninth round when Connor Hurdle put one in the net to grab the two points for Manchester Phoenix. Dragonball in second place kept their title hopes alive with a win, but is it too late with the Phoenix needing only three more points? Only time will tell.

Jedinstveni pogledi: 8
Press release rating: Slabo - Normalan - Odlično
Team Velika Britanija Manchester Phoenix† responded to this press release: Champions?