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Kanada Mighty Griffins† - News from League IV.14 week 4

We will soon start the fourth week in the IV.14 league, we now have a better idea of the strengh and the weakness of the league.

To start off, I would like to welcom all the new manager that joined us last week as it was our turn to assign manager to no-name teams. Let's hope you survive the first 10 days that are the roughest you will ever know.

I would like to remind you that this is HOCKEY, hockey is the national sport of ALL canadian, not only the french speaking one and we are ALL welcome here, no matter what language we speak!

And now, what we all want to know : standings.

After 14 game plays out of 40, the galacticos stand undeafeated at the top. Following, the falcon, who lost only to the galacticos stand second. Then come the rempars, and the 2 relegated team. Lets hope to see a new manager getting some success with his team soon and join up in the leads!

We really have to say that the galacticos are in a seperate league, really good offensive, good defensive nothing can beat them yet in this league. The falcon represent a top team in an I.V league for the second season, they have a really top defensive and an offense that is doing the job, there goaler however, event with his good stats, is not doing the job.

The rempars are some kind of an exceptionnal case... they are playing every game with a 3 line rotation, high intensity. I personnally don't think they can win a lot if they continue like that

that all floks , let's hope for some good weeks to come!

Jedinstveni pogledi: 10
Press release rating: Slabo - Normalan - Odlično