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Velika Britanija Scuffs Swordfish† - "Scuffs Socialists" to challenge to challenge Labour party

"To be honest, I didn't think ice hockey and politics mixed", said Scuff, "but every other week, I visit the academy and find yet another strong left winger waiting for me."

The number of left wingers at the Swordfish is beginning to cause problems at the club.

"Frankly, I could probably fill 8 lines worth with them, but I've got more unicorns than I do right sided defensemen" Scuff moaned "So the only solution to keep them interested is to start our political party"

Stuffed full of top-notch left wingers, "Scuffs Socialists" will be calling for the gap between player and staff wages to be reduced, a pledge that medical centers become more important and that club mascots form a union.

Jedinstveni pogledi: 15
Press release rating: Slabo - Normalan - Odlično