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Canadá Royal City Redshift - Gryph News - Vol 6 Issue 4: Vaverka Leads Gryphon Surge for Top-8 Finish

Here in Guelph, there has been a slight change of late. The Gryphons acquired a Slovak National Team player just last week, a top prospect who will contribute in a few seasons. The Gryphs also have slowly moved up the standings and now sit in 9th spot, 9 points out of the 8th and final playoff spot. The reason for the surge? Teodor Vaverka.

Vaverka has been instrumental in the Gryphons' success. He always has been, and when the franchise needed a surge in the standings he takes the team on his back and performs. Vaverka is now tied for 4th in I.1 scoring.

"It has been a good year for me. I have really improved my numbers from last year, but more importantly the team is performing better. I can't take the credit. My linemates do a great job of getting me the puck and getting open. They make my life easy!" said Teodor.

Despite the clicking the second line has done lately, the Gryphon coaches are considering a change. Rod Cadette is being moved to the first line and Bowry down to the 2nd line to play along side Vaverka and Šoltys.

"We're curious what putting two bonafide snipers on each of Teo's wings will do" said Head Coach Yves Mauge. "Cadette has been playing well on the line, but has yet to find his scoring touch this season. If we can really get the second line to explode that would be ideal. However, if we feel this change has hindered our offensive output we will obviously re-unite the trio."

In other news, Gryph players were around Guelph today after their win against Canadians Francais promoting the election. Gryphon management commented after the election results were finalized.

"Well. I don't have much positive to say from the election results. The good thing is, Quebec has inspired our nation and given us hope for a future half-a-century from now. Ontario on the other hand, has really let me down. That being said, I applaud the increase in voters this year, especially the younger demographics. Here in Guelph we re-elected a long time Liberal MP and community advocate in Frank Valeriote. Frank has been a season ticket holder here and has "Franks' Tanks", a section behind the Gryphs' bench where underprivileged children can take in a game when their parents can't afford to take them thanks to the changes in this country courtesy of our now majority government. I call on everyone to embrace family and our national identity. For I fear a time will soon come where this is lost, and we are merely political sheep driving by the greed of our wallets and not our hearts" stated canucks357 to the media.

The comments were met with some controversy by the fans, as not all support his values. That being said, few can argue when a businessman thinks with his heart and not his wallet.

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