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Kanada Royal City Redshift - Royal City Spectra - V2E3: Redshift Undergo Face-lift in Preparation for Next Season

The Royal City Redshift have been busy the past few weeks. While their star players were in a training camp and the rest of the team was competing in playoffs and tournaments, management was busy making critical decisions on the future of the franchise. These changes were held quite well from the media and players. It wasn't until Matt Dupius and Whitney Barwell were placed on the market that questions began to be asked. It wasn't until after their sale that management would comment.

"We are making changes for the long-term survival of our club. While in the second division, we have a prime opportunity to develop some of our younger talent so they're ready for the big league potentially next season. This meant that some of our older guys became expendable. While you can never replace guys of Dupius' and Barwell's stature, their services could be used better elsewhere" said canucks357.

Barwell was sold for $33.5M to HC Real Lozorno, a fourth division Slovakian team while Dupuis took a familiar transfer, being the forth player of the franchise to be sold to the Brampton Capitals. He will join goaltender Greg Upson and centermen Wesley Ingelthore and Jacob Neil. Dupuis sold for $25M.

"I'm thrilled to be moving to a club like the Capitals. They are a solid team that is on the up-and-up. I'll be given a real chance to lead and am very much looking forward to the challenge of being relied on heavily night after night. Whether they are in the third or fourth division next year, I'm thrilled nonetheless. I'll do my best to ensure they stay in the third division with the up coming relegation games. It'll be a great series" said Dupuis.

With those two sales the media were in a frenzy. Demanding to know what other changes may be in the works fully expecting management to deny any more deals. However, they were surprised.

"We've actually just negotiated the sale of two more seasoned veterans here in the Royal City. Goaltender Ian Garnett..." there was a loud gasp coming from the crowd "and defenceman Martin O'Brien won't be returning next season" said canucks357. The press room went crazy. It was a borderline riot! Nothing like anyone in the small city of Guelph's media circles have ever seen.

"We understand the pain this may case some of our fans. Both these players were exceptional in their time here. Garnett was instrumental in the Redshift (then Gryphons) rise from the second division to the first division. O'Brien is forth in all-time scoring with 203 points that includes 59 goals and 144 assists in 284 league games played while Garnett has countless wins to his name and 15 league shutouts. We cannot replace their experience nor their contribution to the community. That being said, this is a move that is to improve our club and hope that it will work out for both teams" said canucks357.

"To be honest, I'm not very surprised" said Garnett. "This past season Radosta has really made the most of his opportunity. He's a solid young goaltender. I said that and he's a year younger than me, but the amount of potential that kid has is amazing. I'd love to stay in Guelph but I'm aware of the reasons behind the decision. They just want what's best for the club. Can't fault them on that. Besides, I'm really looking forward to being a full-time number 1 goalie. Something I haven't had since I arrived here 8 seasons ago."

While Garnett was cool and collected O'Brien was doing his best to hold it together. "Well, it is and it isn't a surprise. My ice time has tailed off with the youth movement, but I know I have lots of hockey left in me. I've been with this team since their inception 9 seasons ago. I have given everything I had to this team and this town. I'm very disappointed to be leaving. These guys are my family. My fans are what I play for" said O'Brien who is one of three remaining players who have been with the team since their inception in April of 2009. "I can't see myself playing anywhere else, but I'll make the best of it. Who knows what may happen. It's a funny world out there. I'm going to play my best wherever I may end up and bring as much success to that team as possible. I want to thank my fans for everything the past 9 years. I'll never forget you."

Some other Redshift players are also on the market, however they're for sale merely to clear up roster space for financial reasons. The two sixteen year olds are hoping to get their first taste of action.

Once the dust had settled, canucks357 allowed more questions from the media.

Q - "Any idea where Garnett and O'Brien may be headed?"
A - "The market is a crazy place. There is no way to know for sure. However, the buyer who negotiated the sale of our two stars is a fellow Ontario team that you all know and can expect to see ample of in the future."

Q - "Any chance these sales could come to haunt you in the current tournament you are in?"
A - "Absolutely. But that is the name of the game. Nothing comes for free. You get what you pay for and vice-versa. There is every possibility that these sales could hurt our tournament performance. But these sales are made for the long-term success of the team, something the tournament is not a major part of."

Q - "Any idea if either of these two players will be inducted into the Hall of Fame?"
A - "It would be unprofessional to comment. While they are supreme players we cannot state either way."

Q - "Is Aowyr a Martian?"
A - "No, Lil Wayne is apparently. What type of question is that anyways?"
Q - "We as the questions. You answer. Go Walking Dead!!!"

The room burst into laughter. The Wallaceburgian was up to his old tricks once again.

Q - "Any comment on your promotion opponent, Magoo HC?"
A - "They're a real strong team. Been in the top division since day 1. We have loads of respect for them. It'll be one battle of a series. Could go either way."

Q - "Any comments on the current Team Canada results?"
A - "Well, our hockey team is holding their own in the World Championships. I guess the game tomorrow will decide a lot. As for our soccer team, it's too early to tell how the new manager will fare. I suspect they'll do well. It's nice to see Tyson Borden back in the starting-11 especially."

Q - "We've heard skipman6 is the potential buyer of Garnett and O'Brien. Comment?"
A - "We have been speaking with a few teams. Kenora Stingers were the most serious contender yes. In fact, skipman6 had the following comments to say about the potential deal:"

After some lenghty negotiation's Kenora Thistle management has announced it's intention to try to aquire verteran goalie Ian Garnett, and denfenseman Martin O'Brien. When asked by the ownership group about these recent trade negotiation's and the amount of money which will be required in order to secure such quality players, manager skipman has this to say "I believe we have a good hockey team right now, but we now have to appease the Thistle faithful and put a competitive line-up out there for our recent promotion to II.2. We have come off a perfect season and playoff's, and with the release of our starting goaltender something had to be done."

"That is all for now. Thanks for your time."

And with that another chapter in Redshift history is closed.

Jedinstveni pogledi: 49
Press release rating: Slabo - Normalan - Odlično