Dunnville Mudcats - Old Promotion
(AP) The Dunnville Mudcat organization has abruptly canceled the just released "Brother Can You Spare a Dime" marketing activity due to widespread outrage from other GM's in the PPM world. Blasted as "insulting", "demeaning" and "smacking of elitism", Mudcat top brass decided to pull the promotion rather than face more criticism directed at the already much-despised southern Ontario franchise. The proposed competition, which offered a home date at the Mudcat home arena for an underprivileged, financially struggling organization should they be able to persuade Mudcat upper management with a short-form essay, which one unnamed PPM Manager dismissed as an "invitation to grovel". The promotion, brainchild of Mudcat Public Relations guru Jordan Le Pip, was an attempt to continue his recent chain of marketing successes, following on the heels of the strangely popular "Teams of Quality and Distinction" and "Beat the So and So Team".
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