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 Δελτία τύπου

2 462 156 390
Χώρα: Πρωτάθλημα:

Ελβετία Spartak Ginevra† - Farewell liga III.6 :'(

As you probably already know, I surprisingly won this season's championship and I'm leaving for liga II.2 at the end of the week. I just wanted to congratulate all of you for making that last season very interesting and - most definitely - entertaining! I'm not sure I am ready to go on the liga above but I know it's gonna be tough...

Thank you again for this amazing season and I hope to see you soon on the liga above!

Keep up the good work!


Μοναδικές απόψεις: 21
Βαθμολόγηση δελτίου τύπου: Φτωχό - Κανονικό - Άριστος