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 Δελτία τύπου

2 457 017 113
Χώρα: Πρωτάθλημα:

Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο Eboracum Legionnaires† - Local thug given skates, contracts.

After yet another set of vandals were caught red handed in the Coliseum, one in particular caught the eye as he smashed the security guards in to a wall and attempted a getaway across the ice in just his trainers.

Coach Marko Kalliala watched the incident on CCTV and immediately visited the local borstal to offer the young troublemaker a job, and so, Rhys Corden was unveiled last week to the waiting fans.

Μοναδικές απόψεις: 18
Βαθμολόγηση δελτίου τύπου: Φτωχό - Κανονικό - Άριστος