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Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο Sheffield Steelers† - The Regular Season approaching its finale!

With only 8 games left, the top teams have it all to play for, Steelers and Kickers are close, with only 4 points separating it, the penultimate game of the season may well prove the decider, with the Steelers playing host to Kickers, however, its not all plain sailing, the Steelers last 9 games include matches against 5 of the top 8, including the only 2 teams to beat them, Flameskates and St Saviour Slammers, the Kickers have been defeated only by the Steelers and the Steelers are unbeaten at home, with a huge 8-1 win over Weymouth Terras (who managed to restrict the Steelers to only an overtime win in the first match) without their starting Goalie, its looking to be a Close match. The first match between the Kickers and the Steelers came down to the Kickers not having their main Goalie, and with Mike "The Wall" Roget injured, the tables are turned, will the Kickers return to Sheffield Arena with a Vengeance? or will the Steelers have a complete season unbeaten?
we will find out at the end of the season!

Μοναδικές απόψεις: 11
Βαθμολόγηση δελτίου τύπου: Φτωχό - Κανονικό - Άριστος