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HC Slovan Ivanovice
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10.4.2025 18:00


# Nafn Fun ScP Aldur AvQ CL Con Pop OR
0 Spánn José Aguinagalde The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 30 70 2/6 178 4 1520
0 Ukranía Oleh Maiboroda The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 28 86 2/6 77 3 1159
0 Sviss Jakob Lorini The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 27 54 2/6 160 5 1572
0 Sviss Hugo Planta-Wildenberg The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 26 72 2/6 295 3 1430
0 Frakkland Nollan Girerd The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 26 62 3/6 253 4 1364
0 Svíþjóð Alex Friberg The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 26 73 3/6 294 2 1270
0 Þýkaland Franz Thome The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 25 76 3/6 65 2 1203
0 Austurríki Hanno Göbl The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 24 91 3/6 65 2 1148
0 Czech Republic Zdeněk Vaníček The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 24 66 3/6 79 2 1033
0 Czech Republic Josef Metelka The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 24 99 4/6 110 2 1084
0 Lettland Normunds Pāvuls The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 24 99 2/6 77 3 1363
0 Czech Republic Ondřej Liska The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 23 68 3/6 69 2 1035
0 Slovakía Pavol Baťo The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 23 68 3/6 50 2 1226
0 Polland Konrad Mielczarek The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 23 94 4/6 59 2 1283
0 Czech Republic Michael Bitomský The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 22 77 4/6 94 1 1070
0 Czech Republic Benedikt Strašák The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 22 92 3/6 65 3 984
0 Svíþjóð Elias Ulin The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 22 80 4/6 95 2 1262
0 Czech Republic Darek Daňo The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 22 79 4/6 81 2 1019
0 Lettland Ričijs Rožleja The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 21 79 5/6 59 2 1225
0 Czech Republic Přemek Dort The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 21 81 4/6 108 1 904
0 Slovakía Marián Preuss The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 19 62 5/6 27 1 935
0 Czech Republic Josef Bonček The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 18 86 5/6 12 1 586
0 Czech Republic Andrej Jochec The player is not a part of any national team 2025-03-20 20:36:11 - 7:10:35 Not scouted 17 83 5/6 58 1 536
0 Czech Republic Oskar Miklas The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 17 80 6/6 96 1 658
0 Czech Republic Ferdinand Zendulka The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 17 88 6/6 45 1 516
0 Czech Republic Marian Poborský The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 17 85 4/6 33 1 498
0 Czech Republic Bonifác Jecha The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 16 85 5/6 40 1 411
0 Czech Republic Tomáš Štolpa The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 16 48 5/6 97 1 382
0 Czech Republic Lambert Zakouřil The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 16 76 6/6 107 1 345
0 Czech Republic Vlastimil Chalupa The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 15 60 6/6 69 1 355
0 Czech Republic Drahoslav Fidrmuc The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 15 82 6/6 111 1 389
0 Czech Republic Rudolf Hadač The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 15 83 6/6 42 1 318
0 Czech Republic Alois Drápal The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 15 52 6/6 44 1 292
0 Czech Republic Marcel Gýna The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 15 50 5/6 47 1 268
0 Czech Republic Lumír Zhoř The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 15 53 6/6 133 1 272
0 Czech Republic Robert Karták The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 15 79 5/6 81 1 284

Explanatory notes

    Varamanns kapteinn
  Alþjóðlegur fáni birtist hér ef leikmaðurinn er í alþjóðlegu liðinu
    The player is on the market
    The player is on free agent market
    The player is for sale
   The player is injured
    The player has a note
    The player is day-to-day and can be dressed if needed.