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Canadá The Mighty Oil† - Rating Canadian Defencemen

The Oil has been scouting Canadian defencemen since the middle of Season III. To date, 60 defencemen have been identified as prospective National Team players. Thus far, over 50 have been scouted.
While serving as the Assistant Manager of Team Canada, The Oil formulating a rating system for defencemen. It starts with a base 2:1:1 ratio, and gives varying bonuses for EXP, Tech, Sho, and Off (it also penalizes poor Tec:Agr ratio's).

The Oil presents the August 1/2010 Canadian Defencemen Ratings:

1)A.Newsome The Mighty Oil(I.1)
2)A.Thatcher Montreal Strippers(I.1)
3)G.Goodhind The Cheetarian(I.1)
4)B.Horsfield Burnaby Cougars(I.1)
5)S.DeBont The Mighty Oil(I.1)
6)D.Barras Cougars de Montreal(II.4)
7)C.Cox Incredible Foes(I.1)
8)T.Furlong Ice Storm(III.5)
9)C.Parent The Chetarian(I.1)
10)J.Lawerence MaGoo HC(I.1)
11)M.Spackman MaGoo HC(I.1)
12)M.Dubois Montreal Sasquatch(I.1)
13)G.Flahavan Montreal Sasquatch(I.1)
14)M.Giroux Frigid Affair(I.1)
15)N.Baldry Montreal Strippers(I.1)
16)P.Swailes MaGoo HC(I.1)
17)K.Newton Canadiens Francais I.1)
18)L.Samways Exceleration(I.1)
19)I.Makin Montreal Sasquatch(I.1)
20)J.Crooks les Nicol Bolas(I.1)
21)B.Duxbury Montreal Strippers(I.1)
22)B.Himsworth Frigid Affair(I.1)
23)D.Pemberton Montreal Sasquatch(I.1)
24)O.Gage The Mighty Oil(I.1)
25)R.Widdrington Canadiens Francais(I.1)
26)T.Hargreaves The Cheetarian(I.1)
27)P.Cyrus Brantford Nytes(I.1)
28)D.Holsworth The Cheetarian(I.1)
29)D.Ford Bresse Nordique(II.1)
30)R.Rose Vancouver Vanucks(I.1)

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