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 Notas de imprensa

946 898 008
País: Liga:

Alemanha Toronto Anarchians† - Olav Ribbeck fished another shootout

Fischtown Pinguins wasn't able to stop Anarchians and fall with score 16-0.

They did hold on for the first 20 minutes of game limiting Toronto only to 2 goals, however fall apart in the second and third period surrendering 9 and 5 goals.

Olav Ribbeck recorded 2nd shut out of the season with yet another solid performance.

We have to give credit to the left wing D of Fischtown Pinguins - they really limited offence of Anarchians and kept Marko Weiner, Lars Nieder and Dario Gottesleben of the scoring sheet.

Toronto's domination came from right wing where Per Leis scored 5 goals and added 3 assists, while Levin Pieper from the 2nd line had hat rick and added 3 assists. Niclas Busche also had solid game finishing with 6 points (2-4).

Today Toronto is playing a National Cup game against Krefeld Pengs who are holding 2nd spot in league IV.20.

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