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 Notas de imprensa

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the boston bluecoats keep rolling along in league iv.1.general manager rp widener jr says we came into this season with the goal in mind of winning a league championship. & we've taken steps in that direction,we take each game one by one not overlooking any team. it's still early in season 17 & we know their is still a long way to go,were hoping to continue the success that were having & reward our fans with a league championship.widener says that he's still learning about all the facets of the game & says the boston bluecoats will be a force to reckon with on ppm in the years to come. i'm looking forward to being the general manager of the boston bluecoats for many years to come.widener would like to thank ppm for the great game & wishes ppm continued success in the future as well,i love this game & have become a hockey fanatic.as for future plans for the bluecoats ,were busy trying to come up with a design for the team uniform,a team website,creating a look for jl cherry hockey arena & much more in the works.

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