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País: Liga:

EUA SJ Sharks 110792 † - Rebranding

Hello. My name is Captain97G and I am the proud owner of SJ Sharks. The Sharks are nearly done with a rebranding that hopefully will help the team to improve beyond its current spot in league play. We have a brand new arena nicknamed "The Shark Tank" where incoming players will be entering a tank and seeing if they can swim with the sharks. We also have a new puck, goalie mask, and logo. The Sharks themselves while skilled are still looking for top tier talent. We are hoping to find new players who can lead the squad to victory. As is we lack the true game changer player who can lead the team. The good thing is we have a solid base of players and a lot of skilled prospects so we can hopefully advance in a few seasons to the top of league. It will take some seasons to get to league 2 but once we get there we should be able to play the top teams.

Also being named the General Manager of the Untied States Senior team is a big deal. The honor is amazing and hopefully I can lead the National team to victory.

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