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2 455 050 456
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República Tcheca HC Růčka† - America's Cup


I am trying to organize the First Edition of the America's Cup. The America's Cup is a Pan American friendly credit tournament open exclusively to any PPM ice hockey team from America playing in their respective National Championship League (Argentina, Brasil, Canada and USA) or playing in the Rest of the World League.

I would like to have 64 teams from as many different countries in America as possible playing in this Pan American competition in order to make it the most representative of the Americas. The starting date will be 15.07.2007 and games will be played on thusday, saterday and sunday. The cost of registration is 10 credits and there will also be credit prizes for the first 16 finishing position teams.

If you would like your team to participate and represent your country please have a look at the tournament information page on the PPM web site under "tournament" and then search for the America's Cup among the credit tournaments available. If the number of 64 teams is not reach by the starting date and the competition is not taking place the registration fee will be reemburse.

Thank you and I hope to see your team playing for the America's Cup. If you need more information about this friendly tournament you can email me via PPM.

Link to the America's Cup Information: hockey.powerplaymanager.com/fr/tournoi-a-credits.html?data=profile-802

Métropolitain (Canada)

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