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EUA Irresistible Force† - Blockbuster deal completed

The Irresistable Force have just completed a blockbuster deal which sent original Force member Everett Connors plus Sal Morrison, Stephen Miller, Paul Bradshaw, John Ayala and Jim Serna to 6 different teams for cash which they then used to purchase RD and powerplay specialist Rodrigo Kazulis.

"It's always hard to see guys go - Connors was one of our original team members and has been here since day one. Miller's been a starter for nearly 2 years, but you have to give something up to get something back. Since our guys got out of camp it seems other teams are playing us tougher and since we've not been cashing in on those powerplays they feel they can get away with it. We were what, 0 for 8 yesterday against Shui Xian? This Kazulis kid is a natural born playmaker and passer and I'm looking forward to seeing him make some spectacular plays for us." said team GM Leggman when asked about the deal.

The team has actually gone 5 for 41 on the powerplay including tournament and exhibition games since training camp ended with one short handed goal against, but with 2 games at 0-8 and 2 games at 1-7 it seemed the team felt improvement was needed.

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