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Austrália Brisbane Stars† - Cheap Prank Causes Bryant & Skopal Contract Termination

Brisbane - A chance to play a prank on a fellow team-mate has ended in disaster today with 2 players having their contracts terminated by team administration.

Vojtech Skopal & Luke Bryant were informed of the terminations late this evening after a gruelling 3 hour meeting with team coaches and management.

Team Coach, Jelio Popski said late this evening, "They (Skopal & Bryant) were informed that the prank they played on fellow team-mate Cooper York was unprofessional and reckless, and actions would be taken".

The prank in question involved removing the edge off Yorks skates but soon backfired after York fell heavily onto his right shoulder. York, who has played on the teams top line this season is under review by team physicians and physios and will be reviewed before tomorrows game as to whether he is cleared to play.

Skopal, a free agent acquisition for the Stars in season 1 was instrumental as backup goalie during seasons 1 and 2 however has played a lesser role this season after Devon Whelan stepped up and replace him on the bench. Skopal has played 2 pro games this season with a 1.5 GAA and 84.2 SV%.

Bryant was recently promoted to the club from the Sports Academy as a untility Center/Winger and has shown outstanding ability in trial matches. He has played 2 pro games this season, netting 1 goal with a plus-2 rating.

Both players have been placed on the trading block / market and are available to be acquired by rival teams.

Head Manager Patrik Nedbal was quoted as saying "The Brisbane Stars are a professional organisation and this type of behaviour will not be acceptable from our players"

Trading Block / Market Update:
Joining Skopal and Bryant on the market are George Speak (wing), Veteran Albert James (Wing) and Garrett Taper (R-Wing).

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