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Canadá Royal City Redshift - Gryph News - Vol 3 Issue 10.5: Coach Stubbs Fined by Club for Comments to the Media

The Guelph Gryphons have fined Head Coach Stubbs 3 days pay for his comments to the media regarding Friday's game against the Vanucks. Stubbs will forfeit 3x $8,918 which will go to support the local Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Guelph.

"My actions were unprofessional. This is a very high class organization and I apologize for my actions. While we played terrible on Friday, it is not an excuse for my actions. I will keep my foreign dialect under control in the future" said Stubbs with a smirk.

The comments to the media seemed to spark the Gryphons into 2 wins this weekend. Rumour has it that this was a plan from upper management to both spark the team and work a little public relations magic by donating some money from the club's top earner to local charity.

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