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Ιρλανδία The Prowlers† - Stadium Expansion

The Prowlers have begun in what will be a massive expansion of their stadium by sinking what has been a large loan (at extortionate rates.....the loan shark said he would take our thumbs if we don't pay back on time) into building works. With work already begun on the site over the next month the club hopes to get the stadium upto 2000 capacity. Whether the fans will be interested remains to be seen. Will this gamble for more cash in the long run pay off.......who knows but with new snack bars, fan shops and press boxes the club directors are hoping to pull off a miracle and see the club gain a major advantage over the other teams in their league. The club director had this to say on the matter "In hind sight it is just a never ending cycle of money invested back on the ice to bring in more fans to get more money to expand the stadium to get more fans to get more money to get better facilities to get better players to do better on the ice to get more fans and to get more money".

Anyway with the possibility of promotion this season this could be a shrewd investment.......or the ground breaking ceremony of the clubs own fabulous 2000 capacity mausoleum. Either way there will be jerseys and hot snacks available for the reports.

Μοναδικές απόψεις: 17
Βαθμολόγηση δελτίου τύπου: Φτωχό - Κανονικό - Άριστος