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 Δελτία τύπου: III.6 (Υπόλοιπος Κόσμος)

2 460 818 919
Χώρα: Πρωτάθλημα:
Μεξικό Reds Liverpool HC† - VAMOS CON TODO
Esta temporada que inicia se ha iniciado bien, el objetivo sera llegar a los playoffs y luchar por ascender, sera un reto dificil, pero podemos lograrlo Exito a todos con sus equipos

Ιρλανδία The Prowlers† - The big big sale
Come on down to the Prowlers end of year sale. We have cut prices across the board in all departments. Come have a look at whats on offer this week only and get the opportunity to walk away with one o...

Ιρλανδία The Prowlers† - Promotion
Amazing.....The Prowlers have proved a true miracle team with successive promotions in successive seasons. After losing out on the league title both times they came through and won the playoffs in fin...

Ιρλανδία The Prowlers† - Stadium Expansion
The Prowlers have begun in what will be a massive expansion of their stadium by sinking what has been a large loan (at extortionate rates.....the loan shark said he would take our thumbs if we don't p...