Best wishes for 2016!

Hi friends,
2015 is gone and we barely even noticed. We would like to thank you for all your support and loyalty throughout the year we are looking forward to the next one. We also wish you a happy, successful and stress free 2016, may everything go well for you and may all your wishes come true. Simply all the best!
Just as fast as 2015 went, the time of our Christmas challenge is also running out. That's right, the event ends January 6. It's so darn close! So if you are not in the middle of mountains and wilderness skiing and without internet connection, play the instant challenges and collect the gingerbread so that you manage to get as many rewards as possible.
It's probably not necessary to explain how it all works any more - as we can see, many of you managers have shown persistance and determination.
Keep it up, we'll keep our fingers crossed for you!

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