New Season Knockin' On The Door

Hi friends,
another season will soon be history and it's time to prepare for a new one. A new chance for you to achieve success. The sponsor offers start coming in tomorrow so make sure you are here when they arrive and make the right choice.
While you wait, why not check out the action at the World Championships? You can watch every game live for free. Who will be the new champion?
As usual, we will have league regrouping in selected countries to remove inactive teams from the bottom two league levels. League regrouping will take place in the following countries:
Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, Other World, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, USA
If you sign a sponsorship contract with bonuses and you happen to be moved to a different league during league regrouping, please don't panic. You will have the option to renegotiate your contract during the first 2 days of the new season so that you can make the right choice. Check your new opponents before you make a decision.
Good luck to everyone!

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