30th Season Starts Monday

Hi folks,
it's hard to believe, but we will be entering our 30th season in hockey next week. If you play the game from the beginning, you have probably gone through a couple of generations of players by now. But let's not forget that there are some things that need to be done this season before it ends. I am talking about the sponsor offers, of course, and also about the World Championships.
We should also give you the list of countries that will have league regrouping at the end of this season. So here it is:
Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine
League regrouping is a mechanism that removes inactive teams from the bottom two league levels and therefore increases competitiveness in these leagues.
If you sign a sponsorship contract with bonuses and you happen to be moved to a different league during league regrouping, please don't be alarmed. You will have the option to renegotiate your contract during the first 2 days of the new season so that you can make the right choice. Check your new opponents before you make a decision.
That's all, have a nice day!

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