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HC Slovan Ivanovice
Permainan persahabatan dengan rehat overtie
10.4.2025 18:00


Akaun hoki

1. How can I get a flag of my country next to my team name?
2. When does the game calculation take place?
3. When does the night calculation take place?
4. When do players regenerate and practice?
5. What does the little green circle appearing on some pages next to team names represent?
6. Why are some of the menu items dimmed and disabled?

Info Pasukan

1. What is the Overall team rating?
2. How can I change my team logo?
3. How can I change my team jersey?
4. Bolehkah saya menukar nama kelab atau gelanggang saya?


1. How can I earn more money?
2. When will I receive money from the sponsors?
3. How can I increase revenues from ticket sale?
4. How can I sell more souvenirs?
5. How can I get prize money for stats?
6. What happens if my account balance drops below zero?
7. How can I change my team sponsor?


1. What does attribute quality influence?
2. How can I find out the exact value of the average quality of a player?
3. Bolehkah saya menambah purata kualiti pemain?
4. What kind of influence does career longevity have?
5. How can I increase career longevity of my players?
6. Why is energy of a player represented by two numbers?
7. Why does the current energy of my players decrease?
8. How can I increase energy of my players?
9. Why do some players have seasonal energy below 100?
10. How can I increase popularity of my players?
11. What influence does player's popularity have?
12. How is the overall rating of a player calculated?
13. What does the preferred side of a player represent?
14. How can I increase experience of my players?
15. How is the player salary determined?
16. What is the maximum/minimum duration of a player contract?
17. Bolehkah saya menetapkan seorang pemain untuk berlatih lebih dari satu atribut?
18. How do I set the automatic practice?
19. How can I increase improvement rate of my players?
20. How can I change a nickname or number of a player?
21. Bolehkah saya memberi nama pangilan atau nombor kepada lebih pemain?
22. What should I do, if I want to have more juniors coming out of the sports academy or if I want them to be better?
23. What are the maximum values of attributes?
24. To what age can the players play before they are forced to retire?
25. Why do players, who have played a game, practice less than those who haven't played the game?
26. Why has the potential of a player changed as soon as I drafted him?
27. What does the diamond icon next to a player in the draft stand for?
28. Why doesn't the number of my draft picks correspond to the number players that I can scout every day like it is written in the guide?


1. What is the purpose of the particular facilities?
2. How can I decrease daily expenses on arena maintenance?
3. How many staff members can I have in each facility?
4. How can I get new staff members?
5. How long can a staff member contract last?
6. How many players and staff members can I have in the scouting queue?
7. Bolehkah saya mengakap lebih pemain pada masa yang sama?
8. How can I accelerate scouting?
9. How long will one training camp last?
10. Bolehkah saya meletakkan pemain di dalam barisan bila dia berada di dalam kem latihan?
11. If a player is in the last day of the camp, is it possible to send him to another camp on that day?
12. If I send players to the camp on the final day of the season, will it count for the season that is about to end or for the next season?
13. What should I do, if I want to have more job applicants or if I want them to be better?
14. Why can't I build a better type of stand?


1. Where can I find when and who I play next?
2. How can I change my line-up for the game?
3. Which attributes are important for the particular positions?
4. Bolehkah saya menukar barisa atau taktik semasa permainan sedang dijalankan?
5. What influence on the outcome of the game does captain or alternate captain have?
6. What influence on the outcome of the game does the game importance setting have?
7. What influence on the outcome of the game does style of play have?
8. Where can I set the ticket prices?
9. How can I increase attendance?
10. Bolehkah saya menetapkan berapa lama barisan tertentu berada dalam permainan?
11. What does it mean, if my player has been selected among the three stars of the game?
12. If my player is in the three star selection in a friendly game, is it the same as if he was in that selection in a league game?
13. The +/- rating in the game seems wrong. Is it an error?
14. What does it mean if the game is marked as a derby?
15. How can I send a friendly game challenge?
16. Why can't I put players from the fourth line to my power play and penalty killing lines?
17. What does line chemistry represent?
18. What does goalie's chemistry represent?

Akaun hoki

1. How can I get a flag of my country next to my team name?
To represent your country on PowerPlay Manager by having the flag of your country next to your team name is a PRO pack feature. After buying credits and activation of the PRO pack, the flag appears automatically next to your team name.

2. When does the game calculation take place?
The game calculation takes place between 17:00 and 18:00 CET.

3. When does the night calculation take place?
The night calculation takes place at 05:00 CET.

4. When do players regenerate and practice?
Players regenerate and practice during the night calculation at 05:00 CET.

5. What does the little green circle appearing on some pages next to team names represent?
The little green circle is displayed next to the teams, whose managers are currently online and logged into the hockey account.

6. Why are some of the menu items dimmed and disabled?
The menu items which are dimmed and disabled are not finished yet, but they are planned for the future.

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Info Pasukan

1. What is the Overall team rating?
The overall team rating is one of the most important indicators of the long-term performance of the team. It reflects the popularity amongst the fans and sponsors. After each season the overall team rating is reduced by 30%. The overall team rating grows with good results and all types of games, including friendly games, have an influence.

The overall team rating has a significant influence on attendance and teams with higher rating generally receive better offers from general and media sponsors.

2. How can I change my team logo?
The option to create and change the team logo is one of the PRO pack features. After purchase of credits and activation of the PRO pack, the logo can be set in the Team Info page.

3. How can I change my team jersey?
The option to create and change the team jerseys is one of the PRO pack features. After purchase of credits and activation of the PRO pack, the jerseys can be set in the Team Info page. There are two options how to create a jersey. You can either create a jersey from a picture or you can use the automatic tool for jersey creation. If you have the small team logo, you can have it displayed on your jersey. You can create one jersey for home games and one for away games.

4. Bolehkah saya menukar nama kelab atau gelanggang saya?
The change of team name or arena name are both PLUS pack features. You can make the change in the team settings. The team name can be changed once a season.

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1. How can I earn more money?
Every week you get money from the general sponsor and the media sponsor of the team. At the end of each season you receive offers from potential general sponsors and media sponsors. The value of these contracts depends on the results of your team and also on the level of the human resources and economic department. The alternative sources of income are player and staff sale, ticket sale from home league games or split income from friendly games or cup games.

2. When will I receive money from the sponsors?
The sponsor money arrives each Wednesday.

3. How can I increase revenues from ticket sale?
The income from ticket sale depends on attendance since the ticket price cannot be adjusted. Game attendance is influenced by several factors. The most important ones are overall team rating of your team and the opponent, current rank of both teams in the standings and the level of the stands in your arena as well as the accessories.

4. How can I sell more souvenirs?
Number of souvenirs sold during a game depends on the number of Fan shops in your arena and attendance.

5. How can I get prize money for stats?
If your players end up in top positions in the league stats after the regular season, your team will get a financial reward.

6. What happens if my account balance drops below zero?
If the account balance of your team drops below zero, you will not be able to do any operations which cost money. For example building up the arena and facilities or acquiring players from the market. If you don't get out of debt within 21 days, the team owners will dismiss you from the position of the general manager.

7. How can I change my team sponsor?
Sponsor is changed only once a season. At the end of each season you will get new sponsorship contract offers.

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1. What does attribute quality influence?
Quality determines how fast the player is able to improve the given attribute.

2. How can I find out the exact value of the average quality of a player?
To see the exact values of quality of attributes, you have to scout the player. You can see the scouting progress and results in the Scouting page. The scouting efficiency depends on the level of human resources and economic department and its staff.

3. Bolehkah saya menambah purata kualiti pemain?
The average quality is a characteristic, that is inborn and does not change throughout the career. It is an average of qualities of the individual attributes and it only has informative significance.

4. What kind of influence does career longevity have?
Tempoh kerjaya menunjukkan, berapa lama pemain akan dapat menambahakan kebolehannya. Ia mempunyai 7 tahap yang dapat dilihat, iaitu, sebenarnya, dibahagikan kepada tahap yang lebih banyak. Tempoh kerjaya dikira satu tahun sekali, Tetapi ia tidak semestinya berubah setiap musim. Nilainya berkait dan mungkin berlaku bahawa pemain dengan tempoh kerjaya yang sedikit pada permulaan akan Bertambah maju lebih lama daripada pemain yang mempunyai tempoh kerjaya yang tinggi. Ini mungkin disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, seperti kecederaan, yanng akan mempercepatkan kehilangan tempoh kerjaya seseorang pemain.

5. How can I increase career longevity of my players?
Tempoh kerjaya tidak boleh ditambah. Ia hanya boleh dikurangkan. Tempoh kerjaya mungkin dikurangkan oleh sebab kecederaan yang kerap berlaku dan oleh sebab itu, anda boleh memperlahankan kehilangan tempoh kerjaya dengan cara mengelakkan kecederaan. Untuk berbuat begini, pastikan anda mempunyai tahap pusat perubatan dan kualiti staf perubatan yang tinggi.

6. Why is energy of a player represented by two numbers?
The first number represents the current energy of a player, the second number is the seasonal energy.

7. Why does the current energy of my players decrease?
Tenaga pemain sekarang berkurang selepas setiap perlawanan yang dimainkan. Pemain pulih selepas setiap perlawanan untuk mencapai tenaga musim yang maksimum.

8. How can I increase energy of my players?
The maximum available seasonal energy cannot be increased. You can only slow down its decrease by playing games with low importance. Current energy is automatically regenerated during the daily calculation so that it reaches the maximum available seasonal energy. The efficiency of regeneration of players, and also how much time they will have left for practice, depends on the level of regeneration facility and its staff.

9. Why do some players have seasonal energy below 100?
Seasonal energy decreases automatically as a result of playing games. You can slow down its decrease by playing games on low importance. On the other hand, playing games on high importance significantly speeds up the loss of seasonal energy.

10. How can I increase popularity of my players?
The popularity of the players grows with the number of games played. Popularity is also greatly influenced if a player becomes a star of the game or game day.

11. What influence does player's popularity have?
High popularity of a player has influence on attendance and souvenir sale.

12. How is the overall rating of a player calculated?
Overall rating is the sum of all attributes of the player.

13. What does the preferred side of a player represent?
The preferred side represents the side of the rink where the player feels best. A player with preferred side L (left) should play as a left wing, left defenseman or a center, since a center position can be played by a player with whatever preferred side. A player with preferred side R (right) should play as a right wing, right defenseman or a center. A player with no preferred side is a universal (U) and can play at any position. The preferred side has no influence on the goalies.

14. How can I increase experience of my players?
Experience is gained with every game played. The amount of experience gained depends on the type of the game. A player will gain much more experience in a league game than in a friendly game. The experience gain is even bigger in international cups and national team games.

15. How is the player salary determined?
The player salary depends mainly on the value of the highest attribute, experience, popularity and league level. Higher league means higher expenses on player salaries. Foreign players have 25% higher salaries than local players. Kesemua pemain dianggap sebagai pemain tempatan di dalam liga dunia tanpa mengira asal-usul mereka.

16. What is the maximum/minimum duration of a player contract?
The duration of a player's contract upon arrival from the sports academy is determined randomly in the range between 56 and 168 days. All the subsequent contracts will be signed for 112 days.

17. Bolehkah saya menetapkan seorang pemain untuk berlatih lebih dari satu atribut?
If you have the PRO pack, you can use the automatic practice feature to set the desired attribute ratio that you want the player to achieve by practice.

18. How do I set the automatic practice?
Go to a player's profile and find the option to add automatic practice. You will see an empty field under each attribute. You can enter arbitrary numbers here based on the attribute ratio that you want the player to achieve or maintain. The player will always practice the attribute that is furthest away from the desired ratio. Once the desired ratio has been reached, the player will continue with practice while maintaining this ratio. If you don't fill out any number for some attributes, the player will not practice those attributes at all.

19. How can I increase improvement rate of my players?
The improvement rate of your players depends on the quality of the practiced attribute, which cannot be improved. Therefore, the only way you can increase the improvement rate is by the level of training and regeneration facilities and the staff working there.

20. How can I change a nickname or number of a player?
Both the number and the nickname can be changed directly in the player's profile. Nickname is a PLUS pack feature and jersey number is a PRO pack feature.

21. Bolehkah saya memberi nama pangilan atau nombor kepada lebih pemain?
Nickname yes, jersey number no.

22. What should I do, if I want to have more juniors coming out of the sports academy or if I want them to be better?
The number of juniors and the values of their attributes depend on the level of the sports academy and its staff.

23. What are the maximum values of attributes?
Player attributes are unlimited and can grow infinitely. Staff member attributes can grow to a maximum of 100.

24. To what age can the players play before they are forced to retire?
Seorang pemain bersara jika majikannya tidak mahu memanjangkan kontrak dengannya dan dia tidak dibeli oleh pasukan lain jika diletakkan sebagai agen bebas di pasaran.

25. Why do players, who have played a game, practice less than those who haven't played the game?
This is because the players who have played in a game must first regenerate and then they have less time for practice. With the increasing level of the regeneration facility, the time needed for regeneration decreases and therefore also the difference in practice time between those who play and those who don't decreases.

26. Why has the potential of a player changed as soon as I drafted him?
The potential of a player in the draft is only an estimate by your human resources and economic department. This estimate may be different at the time of the draft from one that you got when you scouted the player. However, the real potential of the player has not changed and you will see his real qualities only after signing a contract with him and scouting him.

27. What does the diamond icon next to a player in the draft stand for?
The diamond icon signifies a hidden gem. It's a player whose talent scouts failed to discover before the draft.

28. Why doesn't the number of my draft picks correspond to the number players that I can scout every day like it is written in the guide?
The number of players that you can scout every day in the draft is determined on the day when the names of the players are published. The number of draft picks is determined a little later after that. If you have changed your sporting directors or built or demolished some levels of the sports academy in the meantime, the number of your picks may have changed.

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1. What is the purpose of the particular facilities?
Setiap jenis kemudahan mempunyai makana istimewa.

  • Kemudahan pusat latihan - Kemudahan latihan menyediakan keadaan di mana pemain boleh melatih untuk meningkati tahap mereka dengan paling berkesan. anda boleh mengupah seorang ahli kakitangan - jurulatih untuk meningkatkan pengaruh kemudahan latihan.
  • Kemudahan pertumbuhan semula - Permainan adalah memenatkan untuk pemain, jadi mereka tidak dapat melatih dengan cekap selepas itu. Dengan membina kemudahan pertumbuhan semula, anda boleh mengelakkan masalah ini. Anda boleh menyewa seorang ahli kakitangan - fisioterapi untuk meningkatkan pengaruh kemudahan pertumbuhan semula.
  • Human resources and economic department - Perbincangan lebih mudah dengan penaja, lebih cekap perjualan cenderamata, mempunyai ahli kakitangan atau mengakap pemain anda atau pemain lawan anda dengan lebih pantas Diberi kemudahan pada jabatan ini.Anda boleh menggaji ahli kakitangan - pengurus untuk menambah pengaruh Sumber manusia dan jabatan ekonomi.
  • Pusat penyenggaraan - Setiap gelanggang di dunia akan musnah mengikut masa. Untuk mengurangkan kos pemeliharaan dan untuk mengelakkan kerosakan yang lebih besar oleh penyokong, anda perlu membina pusat pemeliharaan. Anda boleh menggaji ahli kakitangan - Gelanggang kustodian untuk menambah pengaruh pusat pemeliharaan.
  • Tempat pendidikan - Jika anda ingin kakitangan anda untuk meneruskan peningkatan dan latihan mereka, anda perlu untuk melabur ke dalam pusat pendidikan. Anda boleh menyewa seorang ahli kakitangan - pensyarah untuk meningkatkan pengaruh pusat pendidikan.
  • Akademi sukan - Tahap akademi sukan anda menentukan bagaimana kelab anda membawa junior. Lebih tinggi tahap, lebih bersedia junior akan muncul. Pemain senior anda juga pergi ke akademi sukan untuk kem-kem di mana mereka meningkatkan kemahiran mereka dengan lebih cepat. anda boleh mengupah pengarah sukan untuk meningkatkan pengaruh akademi sukan.
  • Pusat perubatan - Kecederaan adalah bencana bagi mana-mana pasukan. Untuk mengurangkan kebarangkalian kecederaan dan mempercepatkan pemulihan pemain selepas kecederaan anda boleh membina sebuah pusat perubatan. Anda boleh mengupah doktor untuk meningkatkan pengaruh pusat perubatan.

2. How can I decrease daily expenses on arena maintenance?
Perbelanjaan harian pada pemeliharaan gelanggang boleh dikurangkan dengan cara menambahkan kecekapan ahli kakitangan.

3. How many staff members can I have in each facility?
You can have up to 8 staff members in each facility. However, only two can have an influence on the efficiency of the facility. The head staff member has more influence than the assistant but both are important for their facility.

4. How can I get new staff members?
New applicants for a job in your club arrive every week. It is up to you whether you hire them or not. You can also get staff from the market once you have reached the required manager experience.

5. How long can a staff member contract last?
The contract proposal for staff members is always for 112 days. When a staff member reaches the age of 61, the contract cannot be renewed and the staff member will retire.

6. How many players and staff members can I have in the scouting queue?
There can be up to 5 people in the scouting queue at the same time. The PRO pack owners can have up to 30 people in the queue.

7. Bolehkah saya mengakap lebih pemain pada masa yang sama?
No, players are scouted one by one according to the sequence in the scouting queue. However, you can move the players up and down the scouting queue as you like. If you move a player whose scouting is in progress down the queue, the progress will be saved as long as you don't remove him from the queue.

8. How can I accelerate scouting?
Scouting can be accelerated by upgrading the human resources and economic department and acquiring better staff for this facility.

9. How long will one training camp last?
The camp can be 4 to 7 days long and it can be organized up to twice a season.

10. Bolehkah saya meletakkan pemain di dalam barisan bila dia berada di dalam kem latihan?
Players who are currently in the training camp can be selected into the lineup, but they will not play in the game. Warning! If a player from the lineup is in the training camp and there are no scratches set for this position, the game will be played by an automatically generated lineup.

11. If a player is in the last day of the camp, is it possible to send him to another camp on that day?
Yes, the training camp always starts one day after you set it up.

12. If I send players to the camp on the final day of the season, will it count for the season that is about to end or for the next season?
The camp will count for the season that is about to end.

13. What should I do, if I want to have more job applicants or if I want them to be better?
The number of job applicants and the values of their attributes depend on the level of the human resources and economic department and its staff.

14. Why can't I build a better type of stand?
Sebelum membina jenis stand yang baru, anda perlu menghancurkan stand sekarang ke tahap minimum dan juga menghancurkan kesemua barang seperti snek bar, kedai peminat dll.

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1. Where can I find when and who I play next?
You can find details about the next game in the "Next game" page. Here you can see what lineup will start in the game and what tactics have you selected, as well as brief info about the opponent. You will also get a message about the upcoming game in Team News.

2. How can I change my line-up for the game?
The lineup can be edited in the Lines page. If you go to your calendar or the Next game page, you can select one of your lineups for any particular game. If you don't do this, the games will be played by your default lineup.

3. Which attributes are important for the particular positions?
Players in different positions use different combination of skills. For a goalie the most important attributes are goaltending, technique and passing. For a defenseman they are defense, passing and aggressiveness. For a center they are offense, passing and technique. For a winger they are offense, technique and aggressiveness. The shooting attribute is necessary for scoring goals and it is important for all skaters.

4. Bolehkah saya menukar barisa atau taktik semasa permainan sedang dijalankan?
No, this option is blocked during the games. However, you can set how your team should react in certain situations in the game. You can set these options in the Tactics page.

5. What influence on the outcome of the game does captain or alternate captain have?
Kapten memotivasi pemain lain (lebih lagi siapa yang bermain di barisannya) untuk permainan yang lebih baik. Kapten pengganti mengambil alih fungsinya, jika kapten, dengan sebab tertentu, tidak bermain di dalam permainan.

6. What influence on the outcome of the game does the game importance setting have?
The importance of the game is a critical tactical option. You have to use it with care, because even though high importance makes your players play with the maximum intensity, it causes them to get fatigued faster. Low importance is not that costly on the energy, but the players do not play with a high intensity.

7. What influence on the outcome of the game does style of play have?
Finding the right style of play helps you achieve better results. Try finding the right style for your players. You can select from multiple options. It is up to you, whether you choose to play offensively, defensively, counterattacks or you choose other option on this page. There are two things to remember. First: For every style of play there is an effective counter-play, which can give an advantage to the team that uses it. Second: Every team has a different composition of player attributes and therefore a different style of play is suitable for each team. Therefore you need to find the right style of play that suits your team. A different style of play is suitable for a team with a weak goalie and brilliant forwards and vice versa for a team with a goalie star.

8. Where can I set the ticket prices?
The ticket price is set fixed to 400 and it cannot be adjusted.

9. How can I increase attendance?
Game attendance is influenced by several factors. The most important ones are overall team rating of your team and the opponent, current rank of both teams in the standings and the level of the stands in your arena as well as the accessories.

10. Bolehkah saya menetapkan berapa lama barisan tertentu berada dalam permainan?
The time on ice for each line can be set on the tactics page. The sequence of lines and shifts is determined by the coach and it is done automatically.

11. What does it mean, if my player has been selected among the three stars of the game?
Extra points are added to his popularity and he becomes better known among the fans.

12. If my player is in the three star selection in a friendly game, is it the same as if he was in that selection in a league game?
No, the number of points added to popularity depends on the game type, in which he got into the three star selection. Therefore a player will earn more points for a league game than for a friendly game.

13. The +/- rating in the game seems wrong. Is it an error?
You have probably forgotten about the fact, that for goals scored on power plays the plus/minus rating does not increase, nor decrease.

14. What does it mean if the game is marked as a derby?
Permainan ditandakan sebagai derby jika ia dimainkan oleh pasukan daripada negara dan daerah yang sama. Permainan ini, sebagai peraturan, mempunyai kedatangan yang lebih tinggi dan peluang kawasan sendiri lebih tipis daripada yang sebenarnya.

15. How can I send a friendly game challenge?
You can send a friendly game challenge from the calendar of the team you want to challenge. Click on a date when the given team does not have a scheduled game and you will see the options to send a challenge in the box with details.

16. Why can't I put players from the fourth line to my power play and penalty killing lines?
You cannot do so because the fourth line could be withdrawn from the game. These players do not continue in the game, so they would not be able to play on the power plays.

17. What does line chemistry represent?
The line chemistry represents the ability of that line to play together. Chemistry is counted for each player individually, so if you change a player in a line, the line chemistry will not decrease as long as the new player has at least as much chemistry as the original player.

18. What does goalie's chemistry represent?
Chemistry juga mempunyai pengaruh terhadap penjaga gol. Ia mewakili bagaimana dia bekerjasama dengan pemain yang lain di dalam pasukan. Chemistry yang bagus mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap prestasi mereka.

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