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 Notas de imprensa

2 453 367 317
País: Liga:

EUA O'Fallon Outlaws† - Ray"ZER"Simmons

After the game against the Ohio State Buckys the manager of the New England Vipers dicided to may changes to the line ups."I just thought that i needed to play more players one in a while."says Dominic Childress.At the vipers team meating he annonced the new starting left defence men and new left wing.Ray"ZER"Simmons at left wing and philip bender at left defence man.Ray Simmons said that he is happy that he is getting a starting position after 3 years.He is predicted to be mvp in a tournament and recieve the kid award given by the vipers every 20 years.if so he will go into the hall of fame.

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