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 Notas de imprensa

2 455 713 720
País: Liga:

EUA Dusters† - Season wind down

4 players reman dusters from last season, 2 others from the academy from this season. Of those 6, only 2 are guarenteed to finish the season a Duster. While we have become big spenders and gone international, only some-28 of these players will stick, with the other 18 movng on, whomever that turns out to be after position battles end and it's time to recoup money form the market. The ones who stay have the total ability to continue dominance in this league. Noone NEEDS 17-0, 7-1 is fine. But I may not get that chance if I win promotion. which will be semi fun, since I am enjoying those of y'all moving up fast!

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