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HC Sliač Kúpele
League game
5.3.2025 18:00


# Name Fun ScP Age AvQ CL Con Pop OR
0 Pakistan Manjit Medeira The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 70 0/6 66 3 7
0 Pakistan Ajayan Pranay The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 44 0/6 30 3 7
0 Pakistan Deepak Seshan The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 55 52 0/6 70 2 7
0 Pakistan Ajayan Patankar The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 47 0/6 53 4 7
0 Pakistan Biju Malleshi The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 29 0/6 27 1 7
0 Pakistan Nitin Narmada The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 97 0/6 107 4 7
0 Pakistan Cristiano Vallath The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 63 0/6 95 4 7
0 Pakistan Surjit Shradhdha The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 62 0/6 52 3 7
0 Pakistan Douglas Darpak The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 47 0/6 93 4 7
0 Pakistan Raghuvir Shujauddin The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 39 0/6 23 3 7
0 Pakistan Douglas Sundar The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 60 0/6 59 2 7
0 Pakistan Anthony AbySamson The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 61 0/6 59 3 7
0 Pakistan Subhash Muthukaruppan The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 28 0/6 10 2 7
0 Pakistan Bungo Baldeepsingh The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 60 0/6 11 1 7
0 Pakistan Raman Pariyar The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 66 0/6 19 1 7
0 Pakistan Gautam Mahadev The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 58 0/6 44 1 7
0 Pakistan Dominic Sivakumaran The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 34 0/6 33 4 7
0 Pakistan Niyaz Konkipudi The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 66 0/6 91 5 7
0 Pakistan Chinmoy Kambhatla The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 28 0/6 26 4 7
0 Pakistan Ratan Vishva The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 52 0/6 56 4 7
0 Pakistan Praveen Krithivas The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 48 0/6 28 4 7
0 Pakistan Naushad Kaalki The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 29 0/6 62 4 7
0 Pakistan Manjit Thapa The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 49 0/6 46 2 7
0 Pakistan Peter Nadhamuni The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 68 0/6 110 1 7
0 Pakistan Dominic Velaga The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 53 49 0/6 28 2 7
0 Pakistan Raghuvir Tumkur The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 45 0/6 26 4 7
0 Pakistan Mark Simha The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 32 0/6 26 1 7
0 Pakistan Sunder Unnikrishnan The player is not a part of any national team Not scouted 52 44 0/6 1 4 7

Explanatory notes

    Alternate captain
  A national flag appears here if the player is in the national team
    The player is on the market
    The player is on free agent market
    The player is for sale
   The player is injured
    The player has a note
    The player is day-to-day and can be dressed if needed.